Thursday, January 26, 2017

Why do we have mothers and fathers?

What does your mom do during the day?
What does your dad do during the day?
What do they do at night? 
What does your family do together?

Here are some pictures of your families.
Josh (Dad, Uncle Josh), Cari (Mom, Aunt Cari), and Sam
Jacob (Daddy, Uncle Jake), Anna (Mama, Aunt Anna) and Clara
Jordan (Dad, Uncle Jordan), Mandy (Mom, Aunt Mandy),
Mikah, Andrew, Jane, and Bella
Robbie (Dad, Uncle Robbie), Anna (Mom, Aunt Anna),
Kiffyn and Lily. 
(Not pictured...Juniper. I'll add her below. Anna you guys need a family picture!)
Juniper! :)

So, did you answer the questions I asked above the pictures? All of your dads go to work during the day. Well, Sam, your dad works from home sometimes. You're pretty lucky! What do your dads do at work? You should ask them. They work really hard to earn money so you can have a nice home, clothes, and good food to eat. They also earn money so you can do fun things together like go to Disney World, the zoo, skiing and go to Mexico with Nana and Granddaddy!

And all of your moms stay home during the day and take care of you, your homes, make your meals, go to the grocery store and run other errands, and play with you. They read you stories at nap time, put bandages on your knees when you fall down, and hug you when you're happy and when you're sad.

So the real answer to the question, "What do your mom and dad do during the day?" is they work really hard...for you! Why do you think your moms and dads keep working to help your family even when it's hard?

What do your mom and dad do at night? I've been at your houses on some nights. I've seen you play games with your moms and dads. I've seen you read stories with your moms and dads. I've seen you read scriptures with your moms and dads. I've seen the older boys wrestle with their dad and the girls do their nails with their moms. I've seen your moms and dad help you get ready for bed and help you say your prayers. What else do you do? 

Sometimes brothers and sisters gets into arguments. Do your mom and dad like that? What do they do? I know they teach you to love each other. Why is it important to be kind to each other? Why do your parents work so hard to help you learn to be kind to each other?

Your mom and dad have different responsibilities in your families. Do you think one of them is more important than the other or are they both really important?  Why do you think you need a mom AND a dad? How do they work as a team?

Look at this picture of Nana and Uncle Jake, Uncle Jordan, and Uncle Josh.
Did you know that Aunt Anna loved to hug Uncle Jordan?
Can you tell which one is your mom or dad?

Your mom and your dad are part of Heavenly Father's plan. He wants us to live and grow, love and serve in our families. In Heavenly Father's plan families start out with a husband and a wife. They love each other and have children. They love and teach, provide for and protect their children. The children grow up and start families of their own. You can see from the pictures that your parents were once little like you. I can tell you lots of stories about them! Granddaddy and I worked as a team to take care of them. We love them very much; just like your parents love you. 
We love you, too!

Love is Spoken Here

I see my mother kneeling with our family each day.
I hear the words she whispers as she bows her head to pray.
Her plea to the Father quiets all my fears,
And I am thankful love is spoken here.

Mine is a home where every hour 
Is blessed by the strength of priesthood power,
With father and mother leading the way,
Teaching me how to trust and obey;
And the things they teach are crystal clear,
For love is spoken here.

I can often feel the Savior near
When love is spoken here.
(Children's Songbook, Janice Kapp Perry, 1980)

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