Saturday, January 28, 2017

Great-Grandpa Richardson loved to entertain...

My dad was an elementary school principal. He loved to sing and play his guitar for the students. He played his guitar at home for family night. At Christmastime we would go Christmas caroling as a family...he always had his guitar. Who do you know in our family that plays the guitar like Great-Grandpa Richardson? Do you have the same talents as anyone else in our family? Do you have talents that no one in our family has? Where do you think those talents come from?

Watch this video with your family. Ask your parents if they remember hearing Grandpa Richardson sing and play his guitar. What stories will you tell your kids about your parents and grandparents?

When I was 11 years old, my parents had a divorce. That was kind of scary. I remember my grandparents taking me to their cabin for special trips. We would take walks together, play games, and make pine cone flowers. They helped me feel special when I really needed them.

After my grandpa died, my grandma came and lived with our family. We helped her take care of her garden, sang for her, and visited with her. We made her feel special when she needed us.

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