Saturday, January 28, 2017

Great-Grandpa telling The Three Bears in Spanish

Great-Grandpa Richardson went on a mission to Argentina. He learned to speak Spanish while he was there. Back then (1954) they didn't have the MTC (Missionary Training Center), instead missionaries went on foreign-speaking missions for 2 1/2 years...six extra months to learn the language. When he got home from his mission, his nieces and nephews wanted him to tell them a story in Spanish. He told The Three Bears. He used some English words and actions so they would understand it. He told that story for the rest of his life, making people laugh every time he told it.

Watch the video with your family. Ask your parents if they remember seeing Great-Grandpa telling that story. What do they remember about him? The best thing I remember about my dad is that he was kind to everyone. I never heard him raise his voice in anger. What do your parents remember about other ancestors? 

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