Saturday, January 28, 2017

Earthly Father, Heavenly Father

I watched this video about a year ago. I watched it about 10 times in one day. It makes me think about how much my Heavenly Father loves me, how much my dad loved me, how much granddaddy and I love our children and grandchildren (all of you!), and how much your parents love you.

I would love for you to watch this video with your mom and dad and then talk about it. Then watch it again. I love you all so much!

So, what did you think? Now for a couple of fun videos. This is my dad, your great-grandpa. Watch these with your mom and dad. After you watch them, ask your mom or dad if they can tell you any stories about great-grandpa or any of your other ancestors!

The other videos are going to be in two separate posts. If I had one of you here, you could probably show me how to get them into this post! :)

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