Wednesday, January 18, 2017

I Lived in Heaven...

I lived in heaven a long time ago, it is true; 
Lived there and loved there with people I know. So did you. 
Then Heavenly Father presented a beautiful plan, 
All about earth and eternal salvation for man. 
(Children's Songbook, 1987 Janeen Brady) 

 Before we came to earth we were spirit children of our Heavenly Father and Mother. They loved us very much. Heavenly Father told us about a wonderful plan where we would come to earth and gain bodies and be part of families. He told us He would send a Savior to earth, so we could repent of our sins and one day return to live with Him. You were sent to a family that loves you very much. You have a mom and dad. You have at least one sibling. (A sibling is a brother or sister.) You have aunts and uncles, cousins, and grandparents. You even have great grandparents that you have never met who love you very much. We are all part of a family that can be together forever.

 By Rachelle F. A. Dow 
Ice cream melts, 
Flowers wilt, 
The leaves of autumn fall. 
Sunsets fade, 
Seasons change, 
And children don’t stay small. 
Balloons pop, 
Snowfalls stop— 
Do summers last? Never! 
Weekends fly, 
Today will die, But … 
(The Friend Magazine, October 2000)

What does that poem mean to you?
What can you do to help your mom and dad?
What is something kind you can do for your brother or sister?

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