Sunday, July 28, 2024

Week 56 - Dwight


Elders and Bates & Hansen

These are 2 of the hardest working missionaries we've ever known!  Here they are teaching an English (ESL) class in Mt Olive today to a group of Haitians.  Every day these Elders are out finding, teaching and loving the Haitian people.  Problem is, I'm not getting my afternoon nap anymore, because they keep asking me to help!  We are teaching in Haitian Creole and French every day, multiple times a day! It might be in person, on Zoom. on the phone or on Whatsapp, but it's always amazing! It's almost beyond belief and likely will not let up anytime soon.  We're amazed everyday at how they are humbly seeking truth.

Hear, Shoulders, Knees and Toes in English Class

Last night we got to go see the Nashville Tribute Band in Kinston.  They were great and even though they didn't understand much, two of our Haitian Brothers loved it.

Elder Hansen, Elder Bates, Edgard and Alin

National Tribute Band with Current and Returned Missionaries

Look who I ran into at the concerts Saturday night!  My cousin Sherry Lane Heft.  Haven't seen her in forever!

Bill & my cousin, Laura Mae Sutton's daughter Sherry Lane

It seems like every Sunday at church we have more and more people.  Today we moved from our small room to the chapel for the 2nd hour.  We had 14 people wanting to know more about the Church and a lot of new, faithful members.

Susan and I were still getting over colds early in the week.  I took that time to do some more work helping our friends work towards getting their families here.  Between helping people get jobs, opening bank accounts, apply to bring family members to the US and figure out what a gas bill is really saying, I'm getting a lot of social work in with our missionary work - or maybe it's all the same?  We are finding a lot of joy in helping any way we can.

Serving in North Carolina, more specifically right here in Duplin and Wayne Counties is like a dream to us.  We have wonderful people as neighbors and friends, humble people to teach and serve and amazing leaders and missionaries to work with. We feel so blessed to be here and to see the hand of the Lord in our lives and the lives of those we love here.  Thank you for your love and prayers.  

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