Sunday, August 4, 2024

Week 57

The best part of this week for me was seeing a few people we haven't seen for a while. We were able to visit with Gregory Harper (a friend that grew up in the Albertson Ward who we had been visiting regularly until we got really busy with the Haitian community.) We also got to see Steve and Sheila Ward and their granddaughter Claire. They had just gotten back from the beach with a boatload (literally--like 600 pounds) of shrimp and fish. They had us stay for a fresh seafood dinner! I love seeing Claire! We challenged her to memorize the Articles of Faith... she looked skeptical... I asked her what she wanted for a prize for learning them all... Outback Steakhouse... Done!!! She's no longer skeptical but excited. Then the highlight for me was reconnecting with Lorrie Ann (JD Robinson's daughter). She had a bunch of stuff going on with her family, so we hadn't seen her in months. It was soooo good to visit with her again and make plans for another visit soon. And of course we visited Judy. She's getting excited about going to the temple.

We also taught some lessons. One of the really fun ones was with Monika (a new member's 12-year-old step sister) We actually taught her twice this week. We teach a gospel lesson and an English lesson. During the latter there is always lots of laughing.

Sandeline, Susan, Monika

Speaking of English lessons. They are always fun whether at someone's house or at the church. Here's a picture from our English class after church today.

I love these people!

So this week the young missionaries stole my companion... A LOT! They taught 30 lessons! Here's a picture with one of our friends, Mackenzie, who is being baptized later this month.

Elder Bates, Mackenzie, 
Elder Hansen, Elder Potter

The other day we were driving to an appointment, and Dwight asked, "Do Crepe Mrytle grow in Hurricane?" There are lots of Crepe Mrytle trees/bushes here. Dwight loves them because they bloom for three or four months. His question spurred a very scientific experiment where I discovered that a person can drive through the backroads of Duplin and Wayne Counties North Carolina and see an average of 70 Crepe Mrytles every five minutes. And, yes, Crepe Mrytle grows in Hurricane, Utah.

Crepe Mrytle

Here are some other natural beauties of summer from North Carolina. These pictures were both taken from a moving vehicle and are still beautiful:

Sunflowers on the side of the highway

Little white flowers on cotton plants

Speaking of sunflowers. We have a friend that's been feeling down. Dwight was out with the young missionaries and called me on his way home and asked what he could take to our friend. I told him to take him something happy like a sunflower and a little treat. This is what he ended up taking to him:

Sunflowers, bananas, and yellow cupcakes...
I love that he went with a yellow theme.
Dwight had a great visit with our friend and
lifted his spirits. We'll go visit him next
week together.

We go teach the Lafortunes missionary discussions and English. They have a little girl, Luna. I asked her a couple of weeks ago to bring me a book and I'd read to her. (She speaks English.) The only book she had was the one we use to teach her family English. She had no story books. Being the lover of books that I am, I had to get her some children's books. Last time we went I read two stories to her... The Wonkey Donkey and Are You My Mother? She was riveted. It was so much fun! I wish I had taken a picture. She brought her books to church on Sunday in a little backpack.


Dwight is still perfecting his sour dough bread. I feel lucky to be his taste tester.

This one had the flakiest crust yet!

Matthew 4:4 "But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." I love the bread that Dwight makes. It is so good and fills me up. However, it doesn't come close to comparing to the words of Jesus Christ. When I feel the Spirit testify of truth, I am truly filled. I know God loves us and that His Son Jesus Christ has Atoned for our sins and sorrows. They know us and know what we need.

We love you all!

Sister and Elder Potter

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