Sunday, July 7, 2024

Week 53

This week started out like most weeks. Monday we had some visits. Tuesday was a little more unusual--Dwight went to the airport and picked up another Pierre Louis brother. We now have Alin, Aly, Edgard, and Paul Edmond living in Mt. Olive. Edgard and Paul Edmond have been learning about the gospel from their brothers and from Dwight on WhatsApp. Having them here in person is so much better. It's been fun to get to know them and see their different personalities and see them interact with each other. 

Paul Edmond, Alin, Aly, Edgard

Wednesday, Dwight was back at Butterball Turkey Plant. This time he had Edgard, Paul Edmond, and another Haitian friend, Nelson, with him. He's been helping our friends by translating at their job interviews. I think Dwight has helped seven people get jobs so far. He's really good friends with the lady in HR. :)

Thursday was Independence Day. Surprisingly, I could see pretty nice fireworks from our driveway that night (Dwight slept through them.) Dwight and I wore red, white, and, blue to our visits and lessons. We were very patriot. I wish I had taken a picture. The only picture I took that day was of a chicken at one of our friend's houses. 

Friday was a pretty normal day with visits and lessons, but Saturday... I get tired all over again just thinking about it. Saturday was wonderfully tiring. Mt. Olive Ward had two baptisms at 11 in the morning and two more at 1 in the afternoon. The two in the afternoon were a nine and twelve year old of ward members. The twelve year old was ordained a deacon in church today and was able to pass the sacrament with his dad. It was so sweet.

The two in the morning were our Haitian friends Saindeline Saintus and Jean Edrice Fils Aime. We have had so much fun getting to know both of these wonderful people. When we visit Saindeline (Pronounced Sand-lean), we always teach her a little English and she teaches the young missionaries a little Creole. She has a deep love of Jesus Christ and her testimony is beautiful. Jean Edrice (Pronounced (Jon E-dreece) is always smiling. When we visit him, he has great questions and great answers. He loves people and the Savior. It is such an honor being a part of their lives.

Jean Edrice and Saindeline

Elders Bates and Hansen, Saindeline & Family

Elders Bates and Hansen, Jean Edrice & Us

The mission president, President Stevens, surprised us by showing up for the the Haitian baptisms!

Saindeline, Elder Bates, Pres. Stevens
Elder Hansen, Jean Edrice

Saindeline, Elder Bates, President Stevens,
Elder Hansen, Jean Edrice, Elder & Sister Potter

Saturday afternoon we had lessons in Mt. Olive and Warsaw. Then we ran back to Albertson for a belated 4th of July celebration. The Woodington Sisters and the Albertson Sisters and Hermana were there. I love going to Albertson activities and seeing so many people I love. 

Sisters Isbell, Richey, Memea, Anderson,
and Hermana Porter

Saturday night we went with the young missionaries and our Haitian friends to a field at the University of Mt. Olive for futbol (soccer). Some of us watched. Most of them played. It was a lot of fun. It was dark when the game was over, but we took a picture anyway.

I took this as the sun was going down?

Today, Sunday, was another incredible day. Saindeline and Jean Edrice were confirmed members of The Church of Jesus Christ and received the Holy Ghost. Elder Bates confirmed Saindeline in Creole and Dwight confirmed Jean Edrice in French. Then Evens LaFortune (remember the people we had the wedding for) blessed his baby in Creole. Then Alin blessed the sacrament in English. (I cried. So did the Bishop.) Alin also shared his testimony during church in French. Then we went to our Haitain Sunday School class. We had a nice lesson. Then the teacher let them share thoughts. One by one, member and non-member stood and bore beautiful testimonies of Jesus Christ, The Book of Mormon, and modern-day prophets. I stood and told them I was going to speak English and they would understand. They all said, "No!" I shared the most simple testimony I have ever shared. I said (very slowly so they could understand), "I love Jesus. (pause, as I started to cry) I love Heavenly Father. (pause) I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (pause) And I love you. (pause) Did you understand?" They all said, "Yes!" The Spirit was so strong today that one of our friends told us she wants to get baptized.

Hearing, living, and teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ brings me so much joy. 

We love you all!
Sister and Elder Potter

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