Sunday, July 21, 2024

Week 55

 As an update from last week... the fire by our cabin is 85% contained. It burned 544 acres. The first line that was held was the one that went around our cabin. The firefighters used our front yard as a satellite camp. Although the roads opened back up yesterday, there are still helicopters and firefighters working hard. Our friends drove up to our cabin and sent us pictures. 

Still standing

Trees by the cabin

The main things that happened this week: lessons and interviews getting three of our friends ready for their baptism on Saturday, Senior Missionary Temple Trip and luncheon, three baptisms, Dwight sick for a couple of days, now I'm sick. The only good thing about having sick downtime is the extra language study I can get it. Duolingo and I had quite a lot of time together. Estoy muy enferma con dolor de cabeza, fiebre y tos.

Wednesday we had a temple trip with the senior missionaries and the mission leaders in our mission. Afterwards we had lunch together at the church building next to the church. Dwight and I have been asked to been in charge (along with another couple) of bi-monthly senior devotionals, temple trips, and activities. Dwight, of course, thought he had to make pulled pork sandwiches for the group. Everyone else brought sides. It turned out really nice. We are making some great friends in this group.

After the luncheon

At president's house last month--
we're in there somewhere.

The baptisms on Saturday were awesome. There was one problem--Elder Hansen had the same sickness Dwight had had, that Aly had given to him, that I now have. :) Did you follow that? Elder Gines came from Goldsboro to sit with Elder Hansen. That way Elder Bates was able to come to the baptisms with Elder Gines' companion. :) Did you follow that? Anyway, it was amazing. First of all, I played the piano. The same piano I played at Jacob's baptism over 30 years ago. So that was fun. Then Saintemene was baptized by her husband... really cool. After her, two of the Pierre Louis brothers baptized the other two. Alin baptized Paul-Edmond and Aly baptized Edgard.

D & S (in back) Saintemene and Luna
Evens and Evena, Marie Yolene 

Aly (in front) D & S, Alin, Paul-Edmond, 
Edgard, Elder Bates, Saindeline (new member)

Dwight confirmed all three of them at church today. I'm sure it was beautiful, but I wasn't there. I was home remembering why we have opposition in all things (2 Nephi 2:11). Being sick makes me really appreciate being healthy most of the time. 

I was just getting ready to close out and this picture popped up on my computer from "One Year Ago Today." It was the day we pulled into Raleigh after driving across the country. We stopped at the mission office to get the key to our new apartment. Then we met my sister Karen and her husband Erwin for dinner and then went to the temple. That does not seem like a year ago!

Thank you all for you support! We love you all!
Sister and Elder Potter

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