Sunday, June 23, 2024

Week 51

I feel like we start every blog kind of the same... we're really busy, the week has flown by, and the people are amazing. Well, it's another normal week with one lovely addition... Dwight made some sour dough bread with the starter that Joseph brought when he came to visit.

Not bad for a beginner, huh?

We've had some really good lessons with Haitian friends this week. It always surprises me how strong the Spirit is even when I can't understand most of what is being said. Sometimes I can't help myself--I have to interrupt and say a few words that they don't understand--Dwight then translates, and hopefully they feel the Spirit like I do. We went with the young missionaries one day this week and talked to some really nice people--we taught them on the spot.

Our zone has had 6 baptism in the past 8 days and has at least that many scheduled for the next week or two. We have 4 baptisms scheduled for our ward between now and July 6. There are 7 wards in our zone. It seems like the harder we work, the more people want to be taught. Our Haitian Group is so much fun and is growing. Today after church we had English class--I think this may be one of the most fun things we do. We get to see our friends personalities shine.

Dwight teaching Sunday School in French

On Tuesday night we went to our Ruritan Club (Albertson Community service club) meeting and got to meet and listen to the Channel 9 Meteorologist, Jerry Jackson. He talked about being prepared for the big storms. As he talked about the big storms he's covered, Dwight and I realized, we lived in Utah for all the big ones. We've moved back and forth between North Carolina and Utah. It would appear that us  living in North Carolina keeps the big storms away. :) (I forgot to take a picture)

Speaking of storms. In a blog a few weeks ago, I said everything here is so green because of all the rain we've had. I posted some pictures of the beautiful fields of corn, etc. Well, there hasn't been any rain to speak of for a few weeks, and the crops are drying up. We drive by fields that look like this.

Corn burning up in the field

We took the young missionaries with us to visit the Lafortunes for a little lesson and an English class. We teach 6 people at this house. The young missionaries taught in Creole. They have been assigned to learn Haitian Creole and are working really hard. English class was fun as always. I found a new friend at their house that made me miss my cat, Charli.

Susan and Princess

Dwight and I took a walk to the pond behind our house to check on the geese. If you saw my earlier post with a picture of them, you can see the babies are almost as big as their parents now.

Momma, babies, and daddy bring up the rear

Saturday we went with 5 new members to the temple for baptisms. We took Judy who was baptized almost a year ago. This was her second trip. We also took Alin and Aly Pierre Louis, the twins. Alin was baptized about a month ago and Aly a week ago. Brother Maples from Goldsboro brought two young missionaries and Romual and Wilfred. They were baptized a month ago. It was a great experience. 

Aly and Judy

Alin and Aly

The whole group

Alin and Aly

Life is good! Sometimes life is hard, but it is always good. I look back on mistakes I've made and trials I've had and can be grateful for them now. I have learned from these experiences and hope I am becoming a better person because of them. We have a loving Heavenly Father that knows us and what we need. We have a Savior that knows what we feel and knows how to succor us. With Their help we can turn our weaknesses into strengths. "And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them." (Book of Mormon, Ether 12:27) I was a very shy child (and still struggle with it at times), but I have prayed for help and worked to overcome this and have been blessed to be able to teach and talk with people. Also, when we struggle with something, we tend to have empathy for others who are struggling with similar things. Because I'm shy, I notice others that need to be included. That is a weakness that has become a strength. Now on to another weakness! :)

We love you all!
Love, Sister and Elder Potter

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