Sunday, June 2, 2024

Week 48 - Dwight


Haitian Group, Organized June 2, 2024

Haitian Group

Today, the 1st Haitian Creole speaking group of the Church in the mission was organized by President Frankie Jones as part of the Mt Olive ward.  Pretty historic event.  It being Fast Sunday (once a month we fast for 2 meals to draw closer to God and share our testimonies with each other) the newly organized group continued with sharing of testimonies during the 2nd hour of church.  It was actually amazing as members and unbaptized friends alike talked about their relationship with Jesus Christ.  It was just a beautiful day and we feel so blessed to be a small part of what's going on with these wonderful people.

We had several opportunities to teach among the Haitian people this week, including a lesson with Aly, Alin's twin brother.  Alin was baptized a few weeks ago and it was fun having him there to help teach his brother.  Alin will baptize Aly when the time comes.  Alin also had the opportunity to go with the full-time missionaries on Saturday and they walked the streets of Mt Olive teaching people the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.  He hung with them for 7 hours!!

Joseph's Amazing Sourdough


Our son Joseph has been here all week.  He's prepping for a half-marathon, so he's been running, a lot.  Caroline, our daughter, joined us on Thursday.  They'll be here all week.  Joseph loves to cook sourdough bread and we love to eat it - so, match made in heaven?


We had a couple of opportunities for service this week.  Romual and his roommates still needed some blinds put up, so Joseph and I ran over there late Saturday morning to put the remaining 4 in place.  Also, earlier that morning the Ruritan Club, of which we are proud members, had an Adopt a Highway project picking up trash.  It was fun hanging out with the Albertson elite for a couple of hours, while trying to not get run over on Albertson's famous HWY 903!

Beautiful Sanders Family at the Temple

Caught a couple of innings at Mudcats' game with Jake and kids

We drove to Raleigh 3 times in 3 days this week!  Once to pick up Caroline at the airport, then to go to dinner with all the senior missionaries in the mission at President and Sister Stevens' house and finally to go to the temple sealing of Aaron and Lindsay Sanders and to see their 3 children sealed to them  It's always fun to hang out with the other senior missionaries and we feel loved when the Stevens invite us over to their home.  The Sanders' sealing was so touching.  When the children entered the room, Lindsay just started to literally weep for joy.  Such a special experience for us to be able to be there.  While in Raleigh each day we tried to sneak in some time with the grandkids.  So glad to be so close to a Jacob, Anna and Alyssa and their families.

Seaview Fishing Pier Live Webcam

JR baits his hook
Break at the Beach!

My good friend JR and I took a day off and went for one final spring fishing trip to Topsail Island (Beach).  It was a beautiful day, if a bit warm.  You'll notice there are no pictures of fish above.  We caught a lot of small pin fish and one small blue fish, but nothing worth photographing.  Still it was a fun day hanging out.  We didn't know that JR's sister Sandra and Susan would be checking up on us on the pier's live cam feed!  Good thing we behaved ourselves!

We're so thankful to be a part of this wonderful community and to be able to serve as missionaries.  The creation of the Haitian Church Group today was a great way to cap off a fantastic week!  This new group reminds us that God's work continues to move forward in the latter days as prophesied by Daniel, represented by the stone cut without hands that will roll forth to cover the earth.  We're so glad to be a very small part of this important work   Thank you all for your love and support!  It means everything to us.

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