Sunday, June 16, 2024

Week 50 - Dwight


L-R Susan, Dwight, Aly, Alin, at Aly's baptism

L-R Bishop Heath, Sister Heath, Dwight, Alex Benites, Susan, Tracy Cruz, James Cruz

It's really hard to know where to start this week.  So many things going on.  I'm gonna take it day by day so I don't forget anything important.

Monday, our friends Steve and Sheila invited us to lunch at their house and to give Steve a blessing.  He had to have surgery on his shoulder again.  We had some mighty good BLT's for lunch and gave Steve a blessing.  He had surgery Wednesday morning in Chapel Hill and seems to be doing really well.

Tuesday, I drove to Gastonia, NC to get Aly and bring him to Mt Olive.  He moved in with his twin brother Alin, both Haitians.  We've been teaching Aly remotely on WhatsApp, but he got a job interview at Butterball and decided to move here to be closer to family.  Aly had a baptism interview pretty soon after we got to Mt Olive.

Wednesday I took Aly and Kesnet to Butterball for interviews and it took almost 4 hours to get them through everything, including pre-employment physical exams.  Went well!  They start work on Monday!

Thursday was my BIRTHDAY!!!  Birthday presents A.M.  New pair of really nice shoes!!  We visited Alex for final temple preparations and stopped by to see Greg as well.  It was a fun day capped off with Susan taking me to the Country Squire Restaurant for dinner.  It's a really nice steak house in the middle of no where, that's been there for as long as I can remember.  My older brother Reed worked there when I was like 8 or 9 years old.  It was very nice!

Birthday at the Country Squire

Friday was the big day for Alex.  We took him to the temple in Raleigh so that he could make additional covenants with Heavenly Father and so that he could be sealed to his wife, Doris, for ever and ever.  He was so happy!  He cried through the whole sealing ordinance.  Several good friends were also able to come.  It was a wonderful, spirit filled, emotional day!

Saturday started with Aly's baptism.  He was baptized by his brother Alin.  Then, that afternoon, my friend JR took me to King's seafood buffet for my birthday.  Really, really good, but as usual I ate way too much!!

JR showing how to fill a plate!

Sunday, today, Aly was confirmed a member of the Church and was given the gift of the Holy Ghost. Then, he was ordained a priest by his brother Alin.  Another Haitian friend, Vaguens, was also ordained a priest today.  Such a great day!  Such a great week!

Throughout the week we have been able to help the Creole missionaries teach, either in person in Mt Olive or Warsaw - or on WhatsApp in several other locations.  The Haitian people are so humble and ready to follow Jesus Christ.  We're limited with language right now, but the young missionaries are learning quickly and are extremely busy!

Today is Father's Day.  I aspire to be a good father.  Still working on it.  We are literally children of a loving Heavenly Father.  He loves us so much and wants us to return to live with Him with our families.  His plan answers the questions, where did I come from, why am I here, and where do I go after this life.  He sent His son Jesus Christ to make it all possible!  We love you!

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