Sunday, June 9, 2024

Week 49

This will probably be pretty short. We had Joseph and Caroline here with us this week. They both participated in missionary lessons and visits. And we tried to hit all the important places... Bojangles, Paul's Place, the beach, and Bojangles again and again and again and just "one more time"! I don't think it's the food they like as much as the nostalgia--okay, the Bo-berry biscuits are pretty delicious. We were having so much fun, I forgot to take many pictures. We did get one at the beach. (When we get home, ask us about the trip to the Bojangles on the way home from the beach on College Road in Wilmington.) :-0

At Carolina Beach-J & C swam for about 2 hours.

I really miss the daily sour dough bread Joseph was making. He left us starter so we can make our own, but we haven't done it yet. Also, at church today, I really missed Caroline and Joseph. Last week I sat with them, and during every hymn, I felt like I was singing in a choir. I love singing next to my children.
Random pic of Caroline from this week

One of our visits this week was to see Judy. She is always so much fun. We just happened to go by on her 72nd birthday. Later that day, we took her some carrot cake Dwight had made for our kids.

At Judy's house

We go to dinner ever three months with some old friends--Bernard and Roseann Jones and Chester and Vickie Wiggins. Dwight, Bernard, and Chester used to coach our boys in T-ball, football, and basketball over 30 years ago when we lived in Mt. Olive. It has been so much fun to reconnect. We have convinced the Jones' to come see us in Utah after we finish our mission. This time we went to a place none of us have been in many years... McCalls Seafood and BBQ. Caroline was our special guest. She wasn't even born when we lived in Mt. Olive.

Caroline our designated selfie photographer

Bernard, Roseann, D & S, Vickie, Chester

This baby bird was right outside our house one afternoon. It must have been injured because it didn't fly away. Dwight put medical gloves on and lifted him up on a bench. He fluttered back to the ground. We had to leave. We hoped his parents would come back to help him, but it rained really hard while we were gone. Our little friend that Caroline and Joseph had named Oscar, didn't make it. There were some tears shed. Oscar is buried in the yard.


God's creations are so beautiful. That baby bird, a little toad I picked up at Judy's (our kids freaked out and said I would get warts), even little spiders according to our granddaughter, Elayna, "are so cute." His creations are amazing to me. As we drive around going from one appointment to another, I want to take pictures of everything. Today I went out in the yard and took a few pictures of things that caught my eye.

Looking down

Looking up

Looking into a corn field

At the top of tall tree

Down into the grass

Into the Magnolia tree in front of our house.
I wish these grew well in Utah!

These simple beauties make my heart sing! I believe if we notice and are grateful for the world around us, we will feel more true joy. 

We love you all!
Sister and Elder Potter

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