Sunday, July 30, 2023

Week 4 July 24-30 Dwight's Perspective

 Greetings from Elder and Sister Potter:

This area holds so many memories for me.  I've lived in 3 different houses in NC (that I was old enough to remember.) 

1. The house I grew up in on HWY 111, one mile south of Albertson crossroads beside the church. That's also the house Susan and I, and kids, lived in when we moved to NC in late 1984.  When I was young, we lived there with my 7 siblings - 10 of us total.  I can't believe how small it is!  How did we (my parents and my siblings) ever fit into that house??  BTW, the bricks used to be red and chimney was brown rocks.  Nice work Richard and Kari (my niece)!

2. The house we built in Mt. Olive on Valley Rd, off of Crest Dr in 1991.  Still a nice neighborhood. The trees we planted in the back yard are huge!

3. The house that was being completed and we bought on Sevendales Dr in Goldsboro when we moved back to NC in 2001.  Such a nice house!  Amazing neighborhood.

We drove by all these places this week and just had a flood of memories.  It's never been more evident that we were called home to serve a mission.

Our biggest job this week, which we've nearly completed, was to organize our new apartment and make it our home.  It's feeling better and better all the time and 98% of everything is put in its place.  Now we can take a bit of a big breath.  Now we can get down to business on what God wants us to do while we're here.

We had our first council meeting with the young missionaries in our district.  That was in the Goldsboro stake center - hasn't changed.  There are (were) 8 young missionaries in our district. Sorry, no picture :(  Susan found (re-found) her favorite place to eat - Pizza Inn in Goldsboro - good thing we don't live too close!

Had our 1st meeting with the ward missionary leaders in Woodington.  Lots of wonderful local members!

Had a great visit with the 2 local young missionaries, Elder Parsons from Idaho and Elder Lopes from Hawaii.  We met at a young couple's house to teach a new member lesson that went well.  Unfortunately, the missionaries are being transferred and not being replaced, at least for the time being.  I'm afraid that Woodington is stuck with just us for a while.

Yesterday we went to a baptism in Albertson.  Wow, seeing people we know and love, but haven't seen for years was a wonderful reunion.  The sister (Judy) being baptized had like 10 members of her family, that are not members of the Church, that attended with her.  It was so good!  They were so happy for her.  As soon as she came up out of the water they started to clap.  It was just so spontaneous and so joyous.  It just made me smile.  We don't often do that - clap at baptisms or other sacred events in the Church.  On this occasion it felt so right!  And why not?  The joy Judy and her family felt that she had made the decision to follow Jesus Christ into the waters of baptism and her desires to always remember Him brought tears of joy.  This beautiful, important step of following Jesus Christ and knowing of His love and His willingness to die and atone for our sins and His Grace - knowing that because of Him we can be forgiven, that because of Him we can find peace and happiness in this life, that because of Him we will live again and be forever with our families - why not clap and shout "hallelujah" knowing that all is possible because of Him!   We know that our Redeemer lives!  We love Him and we love all of you!


Elder and Sister Potter

ps.  Almost forgot.  Sister Atkins made us this beautiful cake and gave it to us today.  IT IS SO GOOD!  Wish we could share it with you .......... sorry

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