Sunday, July 9, 2023

First Week at the MTC

We've had a great first week. Caroline met us before we entered the MTC--only fair since we said good-bye to her in the same place a few years ago. 

This is the group of seniors that entered with us that day. We're in the back in the middle, just to the left of the number 4 on the wall. Update: Many of these people taught us so much and became friends that we may not see again until the other side of the veil.

Physically it's been a rest compared to our last month at home. Spiritually we've had an awesome work out! We've had great teachers and met some wonderful friends... some that will be life long friends. We even met an old friend.


We saw Sage the first day we were there! Side note: Dwight is still learning how to take selfies. :) 

Of course, we had to take a picture at "the map." I was so tired that first day I could barely get my arm up there to North Carolina... Argentina would have been a nice mission call at that moment. :)

This is our first week district and our teachers. I love all of them so much. The couple on the left in the first picture (Findlay) is going to Scotland. The couple to the right of the teacher (Olsen) is going to Costa Rica, and the couple on the far right (McReaken) is going to Chicago. 

This is the couple we were assigned to work with on several activities. Before we met them our teacher said to our district, "You are going to love, love, love the couple you are assigned to. I promise." She was right. We love, love, love the Rhineharts.

We love you all! We love our Savior Jesus Christ and feel so blessed to be able to serve this mission.


Elder and Sister Potter

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