Sunday, August 6, 2023

Week 5

This has been a busy week, and after every visit or activity Dwight or I would say, "Ah, we should have taken a picture!" Hopefully, we'll get better at pulling out our phones and snapping a few photos.

On Monday we visited an elderly man in our ward who can't get around very well anymore. His daughter (from Greenville) was there with him. We had a great visit with both of them. You know, people are amazing. Their stories are amazing. I find I want to be best friends with every person I meet. JD and Lori are two of those people. (names may or may not have been changed) During our conversation Dwight challenged Lori to read the Book of Mormon (she hasn't been to church in a while), and she said she would. She told us she really needed our visit and as we were leaving she hugged me tight and said, "I love you." The Spirit was very strong while we were visiting with them.

On Wednesday, we went back to visit JD and his helper, Missy who lives up the road from him. She had agreed to hear the lessons. We taught her a lesson and had a great conversation. She told us we can come back next week and give her another lesson. She really enjoyed talking about Jesus!

A picture of these amazing people should be right here. :)

Before I tell you about the rest of our week, let me show you a few picture I did take while we were driving around.

Tobacco field and trees

Corn field and trees

Plowed field and trees

Soy bean field and trees

Little country church and trees

There are A LOT of trees here! :)

I've had so many hugs since we've been here! We went to a baptism for Judy in Albertson last Saturday (on Friday we got to help with her first new member discussion) and hugged so many old friends, on Thursday we went to a funeral in Mt. Olive and there was another hug fest. Yesterday and today was Stake Conference and the hugging continued. Here is a picture I did remember to take. This is one of my Young Women/Seminary girls from 1993-1995. She's now Stake Young President. It was such a wonderful reunion.

Tracy and me

Elder Ahmad S. Corbitt came to our Stake Conference this weekend. We were giving a new member discussion to Austin and his wife, Savana and mentioned Elder Corbitt. Austin said Elder Corbitt's talk from the last conference had a big influence on him joining the Church. Later that night Dwight texted Frankie (the Stake President) and told him that. Not long later, we had an invitation to bring Austin and Savana to meet with Elder Corbitt on Saturday morning at 11. It was awesome. Elder Corbitt was very attentive to the sweet young couple. We took A & S to lunch after the meeting where everyone of us said, "Ah, why didn't we take a picture." After lunch we went back to the church and just happen to catch them between meetings and were able to get this picture. 

Susan, Dwight, Austin, Savana, 
Elder Corbitt, President Jones

On Wednesday we had Zone Council and on Thursday we had Zone Conference.

Zone Council

This Elder is serving in Albertson. 
He is President Romeril's 
(from Cedar City) nephew!

Everyone went and got lunch and
 brought it back. Look where most 
of the Elders went... Bojangles!

Zone Conference--
Mission Leaders to the left of us

It was a fun and busy week. I'm sure I left some things out. I hope we're busy next week, but I'm also hoping for a minute to put my feet up. ;)

Elder Corbitt talked about "looking forward with an eye of faith and see the promises of the Lord fulfilled." It says in Alma 5:15, "... do you look forward with an eye of faith..." Think about what would happen or change in your life if your faith increased.

We love our Savior, Jesus Christ! We love each of you!
Have a great week,
Sister and Elder Potter

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