Sunday, July 16, 2023

Mission Week 2 July 10-16, 2023

Dear Family and Friends: 

We finished up our missionary training this week at the MTC in Provo, UT.  During the 2 weeks we made many friends and had excellent young teachers!  But on Friday, we had to say goodbye to them all.  We learned so much from our instructors Sisters Bramwell and Hanamaikai and Brother Nelson.  We fell in love with the Olsens, Worthens, McReakens, Findlays the Rhineharts, and others and we learned so much from all of them.  They are headed to all parts of the world and we look forward to hearing about their experiences.  We're grateful for their examples of faith in Jesus Christ and their willingness to serve Him at this time in their lives.

Best district 2nd week with Sister Bramwell
Just another day at the MTC and its beautiful grounds!
Sometimes the lunch lines get long!
On the way to do laundry.

Farewell and God speed to our new friends - Yes, that painting behind us used to be in the Washington DC temple

Thursday evening we discovered something amazing.  We are heading to the Woodington Ward in Deep Run - so close to home but not (we thought) in our home stake where the other wards we've lived in are (Albertson, Mt Olive and Goldsboro II.) I looked up the bishop (Bishop Tuller) online so I could send him a message and let him know we're on our way, but what to my surprise, the stake boundaries have changed and the Woodington Ward IS in the Goldsboro stake, with the other people we know and love!  Looking so forward to seeing everyone.

This weekend we came home to make final preparations for our trip to NC and to say goodbye to Josh & Cari, Jordan & Mandy and Kyle & Anna and their families.  We saw Caroline in Prove on our way out.  That was not easy, but there is Zoom and FaceTime and so we'll be able to see them and talk to them regularly.  

Family pic from farewell party June 17.

Tomorrow morning we are going to hit the road to NC bright and early!  We plan to take our time and see a few sites along the way, arriving in NC on Friday July 21.  Next stop: Four Corners Monument!

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