Sunday, September 15, 2024

Week 63


We spent Monday and Tuesday with our son, Joshua and his family in the mountains of North Carolina (Blowing Rock). We stayed in both sides of a duplex that had adjoining doors. It was perfect. It was private, on a little river, and the weather was cool enough for blankets around the fire at night. The picture below is a little dark, but had to be included. In the back you can see Dwight being quite animated as he tells the grandkids "a Vermit story." When our kids were young, at bedtime I would read to them, then Dwight would tell them a Vermit story. They can all still quote the beginning of each story... "Once upon a time, a long time ago, far far away, there lived (pause for effect) a Vermit. Not just any old Vermit; he was a big, ugly, mean looking Vermit. But he wasn't mean. He was nice." Then Dwight's imagination takes off. It's fun to watch this tradition carry on with the next generation.

In front of the duplex

On Monday we went to Grandfather Mountain where they have all kinds of things to do. We stopped for a picnic, visited the Mile High Swinging Bridge, and my favorite--an animal sanctuary, where we saw black bears and cougars. I LOVE black bears and cougars. They were beautiful!

Mile High
Swinging Bridge

I could have watched this cougar all day!

Later we went to Linville Caverns and toured a cave. I've been to Carlsbad Caverns before, so I didn't think this would be very impressive, but it really was. There were so many cool formations.

Thomas, Cari, Dwight, Sam, Susan, Joshua

Thomas, Nana, Sam

Before we left on Tuesday, we went to a place where the boys could "pan for rocks." Afterwards we had a lesson on the different rocks they found. In the picture, we all look kind of bored, but it was really interesting. My grandpa was a geologist, so I kept thinking about him as we were learning about the various specimens. They found several rocks that can be cut to make jewerly... even three rubies!

Wednesday was Alyssa's birthday, so we ran up to Raleigh for a birthday celebration. She thinks she's getting so old. She turned 32. I'm going to be twice that next month! :) If I'm not old, she's definitely not old!
Birthday girl and Elayna

lighting candles

Thomas running through
birthday picture... perfect!

We had a four-zone Zone Conference on Friday. Elder Massimo DeFeo and his wife were here. The mission hasn't posted the group photo yet, so I'll just post our zone photo. We had a full day of spiritual feasting.

Goldsboro "Lovesboro" Zone

We had some good lessons and visits this week. One was with one of our new Haitian Sunday School teachers. The young elders and Dwight helped him make sure he was ready for his lesson. He taught today and did great. He's a natural. It's like he was made for such a time as this. All of the people we teach and visit have their own talents and strengths. It's fun to watch them grow. The more comfortable they are around us, the more we see the real them... their personalities and the things they like and don't like. Even not speaking the language, I feel closer to them all the time.

English class is a highlight of the week. I love
interacting with these wonderful people.

We are truly spoiled. Not only do we have wonderful people to teach and visit, we have the best young missionaries in the world. Our district, The Mt. Olive District (lovingly referred as the Pickle District), couldn't be better. I love them so much! We work closely with the Mt. Olive Elders who are quickly becoming proficient in Creole. They are so dedicated and work so hard! And we see the Albertson sisters often since we live in Albertson--- I have no words. Thank you parents for raising such amazing children. This was left on our door today. It says from the Pickle District, but I'm sure the sisters did it. :)

We are so grateful for the experiences we are having here. We love the people in North Carolina. We love our ward members and the new people we meet. We love our family and are thankful we could spend some time with some of them this week. We love you and are thankful for your support. We love our wonderful missionaries. We are most thankful for a loving Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. Without Them, I don't think we could love all of you so fiercely.

Sister and Elder Potter

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