Sunday, September 1, 2024

Week 61

This week was full... lots of the regular stuff and some new/fun things. For example, Monday was really different for us. We normally have lessons planned for Monday afternoons, but since school has started, our schedule has changed. We were free to join the young missionaries for their District P-day. It was so much fun. We played volleyball! (My kids are probably thinking "we" means Dwight. I actually played for the first time in years. I found it much easier on my knees playing in the gym than in our backyard!) Dwight and I spent many hours in the 1980s playing volleyball and basketball in the that gym (Albertson Ward). Such good memories. After several games of volleyball, pickleball was set up. We had to go before those games started. Maybe next time.

I love this group of missionaries!

Dwight is still doing "social work." He's still helping people fill out sponsor papers to get Haitian families joined with their family members here in the United States. He gave another driving lesson with me and Monica (a friend we're teaching and step-sister of the driving student) sitting in the back seat laughing and trying to hide our fear. :) This week he added something new by helping Jason (the driving student's, Saindeline's, son) get into Headstart.

Monica and Jason at a lesson

Saindeline, today at fast and testimony meeting, stood up and bore her testimony with such confidence. I had to swallow back the lump in my throat. The Spirit was so strong even though I didn't know what she was saying. Then Dwight started to whisper to me what she was saying. It was so sweet. She talked about her faith in God and Jesus Christ and in the Restored Gospel. She talked about going to the temple last week and the deep feelings she had there that she didn't know how to describe. I felt like a proud mother. 
Saindeline at church today

We went to the temple this week with Gregory Harper. I agree with Saindeline. There is a such a wonderful feeling at the temple. It's hard to describe.

D & S and Gregory

Dwight took this beautiful picture of the temple
with the Crepe Myrtle still in bloom.

Sometime this week Dwight went to his friends house to help him with some things he can't do on his own right now. His friend recently had surgery on his foot so can't get around very well. One of the things Dwight did was put together a new vacuum cleaner. Then he used it. His friend sent this picture in a text with the following message: My new cleaning lady! LOL!

Dwight, "the cleaning lady"

We had a wonderful lesson this week with two brothers. One has been a member for a couple of months and the other has recently started learning. They are both amazing people. Their smiles light up the room, but the spirit they bring with them is even brighter. I can't begin to describe how I feel as Dwight and the young missionaries teach. I understand more than normal and can make comments without asking what is being said. They are truly remarkable young men. In the first picture they are working on family history. Then we taught about the Plan of Salvation.

Our worn out Plan of Salvation lesson board

As many of you know, before we came out here, we had season tickets to the BYU football home games. We would tailgate before the games with our family and friends that live in the area. Dwight would cook something yummy and everyone would bring sides. We would sit and visit, eat, play corn hole... lots of fun. Yesterday was BYU's home opener and we received this picture:

Caroline and a bunch of my family

I was momentarily a little envious, but I love what we are doing here. I love the people in that picture with all my heart, but I know we are family forever. Right now, I am helping other people find the joy I have in knowing that all those beautiful, wonderful people are part of my eternal family. Yesterday, we were blessed to be part of another baptism.

Elder Hansen, Elder Bates, Judeline and her sister

After Judeline's baptism, Saindeline was singing the chorus to "I Am a Child of God" in French. Then Judeline started singing. I said, "These two need to sing in sacrament meeting." Dwight translated what I said and asked them if they would. They both said "yes" with enthusiasm! We are currently getting them on the schedule to sing! These new members are strong and are not afraid to share their testimonies or their talents. We are so grateful to be a small part of the Gathering in this part of the vineyard. We love our Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ!

We love you all!

Sister and Elder Potter

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