Sunday, February 18, 2024

Week 33

On Monday we emptied our boxes at our new home and tried to get things organized. We had a space that was crying for a house plant, so we ran "to town" (that's what we do now when we have to go to any big stores) and bought a new addition to our home. We won't be able to take it home with us to Utah, so I hope someone is up for adopting it... that is if we can keep it alive. :)

Dwight in his new habitat

Tuesday we had one visit right after another all afternoon. The highlight was seeing Claire. We also met a new friend that we'll have to tell you about in person one day. Let's just say he was a very interesting character. We didn't have time to go home for dinner so we HAD to go to Pizza Plus owned and operated by a family from the Albertson Ward. We both had the best Philly Cheesesteak we've ever had (and I've had one at the supposed best places in Philadelphia)!

On the night of February 13th, Dwight said, "I didn't get the Valentine stuff and it's too late to go to Walmart!" I told him not to worry about it. He said, "But it's tradition. I do it every year!" You may be asking what is tradition? What does he do every year? For as long as I can remember, on Valentine's Day morning I find on the kitchen table 3 red roses, a balloon, a handmade card, and sugar cookies with frosting from Walmart. Any of our girls that are home get a carnation, a balloon, a handmade card, and sugar cookies. On Valentine's Day, I came out to the kitchen and saw this:

He had traipsed through the woods and found a pine cone and a magnolia branch (and made sure they were spider-free). Then he walked to R-Mart and got treats. And, of course, he made a card! This made me smile all day long... actually it's made me smile all week!

Then when we got home from our meetings that afternoon, we found this sitting on our outside steps:

Our landlady and friend, Sandra, left them for us and said, "Happy Valentine's Day and welcome to Albertson!" I haven't rented many places, but I don't think landlords usually give you treats and flowers!

That night we went to the viewing of our brother-in-law's (Donald) brother, Woodrow. Then Thursday we went to the funeral and graveside. Linda and Donald came from California to be here. They are staying for about three weeks. Woodrow is Maeci's (a sweet young girl we have been teaching) grandpa. It was good to get to know all of the family better and see friends we haven't talked to in years. Losing loved ones makes me so grateful to know about the Plan of Salvation and that we can see our families again.

On Friday we went to Raleigh for Clara's concert. She sings with the Raleigh Youth Choir. They did a fabulous job. We also celebrated Jacob's birthday.

Clara in the middle in the purple

Saturday morning was the Albertson Fox Hunt. It's been held in Albertson for 80ish years. It's a fundraiser for the Volunteer Fire Department, the Ruitan Club, and the Library. They cooked several pigs and tons of chickens and made a huge pot of fish stew. Linda and Donald went with us... I wish I had taken a picture.

Sandra dishing fish stew

Saturday night Dwight and I spoke in Stake Conference. I stressed about it all week because we were so busy, but that kind of thing always seems to work out as long as you keep praying and put all you can into it, then Heavenly help takes the lead.

After conference. Do we look relieved?

We, I should say Dwight, taught a few French missionary discussions this week. I just nodded a lot and occasionally said something that got translated. We have one brother that has a baptism date, another that says he knows the Book of Mormon is true, and another who is just starting the lessons. And just now we got another Haitian referral. It feels like something big is happening in the Haitian community here.

On the way home from conference today, we noticed wild daffodils had popped up along the side of the road in several places and some trees were blossoming. That kind of thing doesn't happen in Utah in the middle of February.

In my talk on Saturday, I used a talk given by Elder Holland (one of the Twelve Apostles) from April 2018. I love this quote, "...may we labor side by side with the Lord of the vineyard, giving the God and Father of us all a helping hand with His staggering task of answering prayers, providing comfort, drying tears, and strengthening feeble knees. If we will do that, we will be more like the true disciples of Christ we are meant to be." When we care for each other we are working side by side with Jesus Christ to help our Heavenly Father care for His children.

We love you all!
Sister and Elder Potter

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