Sunday, February 11, 2024

Week 32 - Dwight


Albertson, North Carolina really is the center of the universe!!  In the picture above, taken in Provo Utah while we were in training at the Missionary Training Center (MTC), you may have thought that we were pointing to just North Carolina randomly, or to Raleigh since it's the NC RALEIGH Mission, but in reality, my finger is sitting right on the most amazing of places - ALBERTSON!

We got moved this week into our new home in downtown Albertson, finally!  Elder and Sister Everett from the mission brought a truck and trailer on Thursday afternoon and our young friends from Kinston (missionaries) came and we loaded up and headed to Albertson.  Now, we just have to get everything organized.

Albertson has everything, and we are right in the center of it all and within walking distance!  You have the Albertson Walmart (3-minute walk), Albertson Municipal Library (2-minute walk), R-Mart (Convenience store, hardware store and grill - 3 minute walk),  Albertson Volunteer Fire Department (2.5-minute walk), United States Postal Service (1-minute walk), Community Building (.96 minute walk), Albertson Missionary Baptist Church (4-minute walk) and Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (20-minute walk).  Lastly, Potter Homestead where I grew up (19.75-minute walk).  Ain't it great!  My dad, grandparents, great-grandparents and great great-grandparents lived and are buried 2.5 miles away.  I really am home y'all!

Albertson Walmart

Albertson Community Building

My dad worked here 25+ years

Albertson VFD

Albertson Missionary Baptist Church

World-Class Municipal Water

Our New Home

Albertson Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Bishop Young - Albertson Ward LDS

We ran into Bishop Young while we did our 3 1/2 minute tour of Albertson.  Such a great guy!

We were a bit limited this week because Susan was on and off and on again sick.  Also, we spent most of the week getting ready to move.  On Monday we did get to spend some time with Gregory talking about the blessings of the temple.  On Tuesday night Bishop Young and I went to see Mark to see if he can help the ward get a couple of pigs for a fundraiser for the youth.  Had a great visit.  While we were there, Mark's sister Tammy came in and it was so good to see her!  It's been probably 35+ years.  Was so good to visit.  On Wednesday we had a Zone Conference with 4 different Zones in the Mission and President and Sister Stevens (mission leaders).  Was a great spiritual meeting.

Goldsboro Zone less Sister Potter (sick)

Thursday we moved.  While we were moving in, an old friend, Kemp, I haven't seen in 45+ years, stopped by and said hello.  Wow! Then on Friday I got the chance to go help Denise move a bunch of furniture into her new home in New Bern, along with her son and daughter-in-law.  Spent the rest of the day Friday and Saturday trying to get our new home organized.  Still a bit to do, but it's coming.

Today we went to Mt Olive again.  Our Haitian friends were there, including Evens, Vaguens, Marie-Guetty, Jean-Claude and a new friend Wendy.  Also 3 children came.  We discussed the lesson "The Gospel of Jesus Christ," including the divine mission of Jesus, faith in Christ, baptism, the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end.  Manon, who is originally from French speaking Canada, helped with the lesson.  We really need someone that speaks Creole, but French will do until we find someone that can help.  I always feel the Holy Ghost when we teach these wonderful folks.

It feels really amazing to actually be living here at Albertson and to really be home!  Thanks to the Willie and Jean Rouse family for providing this opportunity to live in their childhood home!  This has been the case since we came on our mission, but even more so now, memories continue to flood my heart and mind.  No matter where I live, this place will always have a special place in my heart.  So glad to be here at this moment!  I think also of our heavenly home.  We left Heavenly Father's presence to come to earth and experience all that life has for us to learn.  I'm sure the feelings I'm having now will be even stronger when we return to that home!  That opportunity comes only because of Jesus Christ.  We love him and we love you all!

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