Sunday, February 4, 2024

Week 31


This week Dwight had to do several things alone as I was sick for several days. He was able to do some unusual types of service while I stayed at home to rest. We did get to do some visiting and lessons together; and we had a delicious dinner at the Ward's house early in the week. We also went to a pizza place in Mt. Olive (home of Mt. Olive Pickles), and look what was on top of the buffet! :)

Giant Pickle at Pizza Village in Mt. Olive

Here's an example of one of the unusual service activities Dwight did while I was at home "feeling puny" (quote from my dad). One of our friends just had surgery and is having a hard time getting around. He needed mini blinds, so Dwight went shopping for him. Shopping is more in my comfort zone than his, so it was a true act of service... going to different stores and comparing prices, etc. 

All week, every time Dwight left to go do something, I would say, "Take a picture of anything you see that should go in the blog." I have to apologize for the lack of pictures and laugh at the ones he did take:

mini blind shopping :)

Tractor Caution Hwy 70
between Kinston and Goldsboro

I regularly comment about this tractor caution sign. It's on a major highway where I've never seen a tractor. However, there are tractors all over on the back roads with no warning signs. On the way home from District Council meeting, I guess Dwight was missing me, so he slowed down and took a picture. :) He's so thoughtful!

We were able to spend some time with the Faison kids this week. I told them to make a silly face. Everyone say cheese! 

This is going to be our new mailbox in Albertson. There is a story here. You all know we're BYU fans. What are we doing with an ECU mailbox cover? One of Dwight's friends asked him if he had any relatives that went to ECU. Dwight told him he had two sisters in law that graduated from there. His friend said his niece graduated from there. Then he said he had an ECU mailbox cover for Dwight to celebrate our families. So Sheila and Tami this box is for you! 

This is the apartment we are moving out of this week (at least mostly). One arrow is pointing to our front door, the other to our truck (you know the one that travels 4000 miles a month).

Today Dwight went to Mt. Olive Ward by himself. He translated for the Haitian members and investigators. Many members of the class during second hour bore their testimony. Dwight said the Spirit was strong. Since I wasn't there, he had two Haitian brothers (who are returning members) go with him to two different appointments to teach French-speaking investigators. The brothers shared their testimonies and everyone felt the Spirit.

This evening we had a zoom meeting for prospective senior missionaries in the entire mission. About 150 seniors attended. Hopefully, many of them will want to serve and have the kind of wonderful experiences we are having.

I know our Heavenly Father loves us. He wants us to be happy. He wants us to succeed. I love this quote from Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, "Heaven is cheering you on today, tomorrow, and forever." We are never alone. We have our friends. We have our families. Most importantly we have our loving Father in Heaven and Savior Jesus Christ.

We love you all!
Sister and Elder Potter

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