Sunday, February 25, 2024

Week 34 - Dwight

Making our Rounds!

Every six weeks the mission has transfers.  New missionaries come in, old missionaries go home and many missionaries get transferred to new locations.  It's fun, exciting and sad.  Sister Potter and I get to stay in the same district probably for our whole mission, but most missionaries will be in six to eight areas, or more, during their 18 or 24 months.  We love meeting and working with new missionaries, but we're always sad to see them go.  This week was transfer week and we lost all but one of the Elders either to home or new areas and we also lost half of the sisters in our district.  We said "farewell" to our missionary friends and hope our paths cross again sometime.

Our amazing district before transfers

This week started on Monday with a trip to New Bern to have lunch with our friend Jim Walker and part of his family.  New Bern is a beautiful town, close to the coast, where 2 rivers come together before emptying into the Atlantic Ocean.  Lunch was great and seeing some of the scenery was spectacular!   After lunch and a tour, we went to see our friend Michelle.  Michelle lost both of her legs last year and is still working to get herself home from assisted living.  Had a great discussion on how we all can have more charity or the pure love of Jesus Christ.  We love Michelle!

Jim with us at New Bern Country Club

Tuesday we spent some time with Gregory talking about the use of symbols in the Temple.  We're excited to hopefully get to go with him back to the temple soon.  Afterwards we went to see JD and his caregiver Angie.  Had another good discussion on charity.  Afterwards we had to run to Greenville to pick up a mattress out of a missionary apartment up there.  Lorie Ann and her husband Kim came to help us get it loaded.  Good thing too, because it was heavy!  Was so good to see them again.

Wednesday was our usual district council meeting in Mt Olive in the morning - happy/sad.  Then we went to see Alex and had a great discussion with him on the Gospel of Jesus Christ and a great discussion about life.  Then, we went to see Jean-Claude and Marie Guetty and discussion becoming a life long member of the Church.  He is going to Florida for the funeral of his nephew.  We moved his baptism date to March 10, and we're really excited!

Thursday I got the treat to go with my sister Linda to see my beautiful 1st cousin Carolyn Jean.  We talked about a lot of family history and just reminisced about good times.  Was a wonderful visit.  Then, Thursday night, our friends, landlord, neighbors, all rolled up into one, invited us to their house for a fish fry.  This is the 2nd time since we're been in NC that we're received this specific invitation.  They are so fun to be with and honestly the food was to die for - and I almost did because I ate so much.  We just feel so happy and blessed to have them as friends and that it's worked out for us to be living here in Albertson.  

Dwight, Carolyn Jean, Linda

Friday was a delightful day of service for me.  Susan has been fighting something and was a good day for her to get some needed rest.  I went to the home of Steve and Sheila and helped them make ground meat out of several deer they and their friends had harvested this past season.  They had dressed them and put them in the freezer.  I've never done anything like that before.  It was actually an amazing learning experience.  By the end of the day we think that we had ground nearly 400 lbs of meat working from about 9 am to nearly 5 pm.  It was a very satisfied tired when I went to bed Friday night!

Saturday we went to the stake center in Goldsboro to watch Aarayah and the Albertson/Mt Olive/Woodington girls play basketball.  Her whole family was there, including an uncle and aunt that we'd never met before.  They lost, but was fun to watch.  She has learned so much this season! Afternoon we headed to Warsaw to see the LaFortune family and taught Wendy about the restoration and had a great visit.  They were cooking something that smelled awfully good and had to check it out.  It was a heavenly oven baked pasta casserole.  They invited us to stay for dinner, but we had to go :(

Today was another busy Sunday, but we finally got to go to church in Woodington again after nearly a month going to Mt Olive.  Linda made us dinner at Kari's house (amazing as usual)  Kari made snicker brownies.  The 1st bit was wonderful, the 2nd bit was sinful I'm sure!!  Afterwards I went to Mt Olive and my old buddy, Chester Wiggins (Elder's Quorum President, Mt Olive) became my companion as we went to teach Jovenel and Jean about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and then went to see the LaFortunes again to discuss some needs they have.

There are nearly 8 billion people living on this planet, each one of them a child of God.  During our lives we only get to know and share this earthly adventure with relatively few.  Our families, close friends, and people we work with or go to church with or neighbors in our community all become so very important to our existence. Since so much of the eternities depend on the things we're able to learn and who we're able to become in this life, those people have a magnified eternal importance!  It's those people that we have a chance to influence or to be influenced by.  It's those people that help us learn to love, serve, work and grow.  Thanks to Jesus Christ and God's plan for us, those family and extended family/friend relationships can last forever.  We're so thankful for our community of family, friends and neighbors.  Your support, love, prayers and friendship mean more to us than we know how to express.  We love you!

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Week 33

On Monday we emptied our boxes at our new home and tried to get things organized. We had a space that was crying for a house plant, so we ran "to town" (that's what we do now when we have to go to any big stores) and bought a new addition to our home. We won't be able to take it home with us to Utah, so I hope someone is up for adopting it... that is if we can keep it alive. :)

Dwight in his new habitat

Tuesday we had one visit right after another all afternoon. The highlight was seeing Claire. We also met a new friend that we'll have to tell you about in person one day. Let's just say he was a very interesting character. We didn't have time to go home for dinner so we HAD to go to Pizza Plus owned and operated by a family from the Albertson Ward. We both had the best Philly Cheesesteak we've ever had (and I've had one at the supposed best places in Philadelphia)!

On the night of February 13th, Dwight said, "I didn't get the Valentine stuff and it's too late to go to Walmart!" I told him not to worry about it. He said, "But it's tradition. I do it every year!" You may be asking what is tradition? What does he do every year? For as long as I can remember, on Valentine's Day morning I find on the kitchen table 3 red roses, a balloon, a handmade card, and sugar cookies with frosting from Walmart. Any of our girls that are home get a carnation, a balloon, a handmade card, and sugar cookies. On Valentine's Day, I came out to the kitchen and saw this:

He had traipsed through the woods and found a pine cone and a magnolia branch (and made sure they were spider-free). Then he walked to R-Mart and got treats. And, of course, he made a card! This made me smile all day long... actually it's made me smile all week!

Then when we got home from our meetings that afternoon, we found this sitting on our outside steps:

Our landlady and friend, Sandra, left them for us and said, "Happy Valentine's Day and welcome to Albertson!" I haven't rented many places, but I don't think landlords usually give you treats and flowers!

That night we went to the viewing of our brother-in-law's (Donald) brother, Woodrow. Then Thursday we went to the funeral and graveside. Linda and Donald came from California to be here. They are staying for about three weeks. Woodrow is Maeci's (a sweet young girl we have been teaching) grandpa. It was good to get to know all of the family better and see friends we haven't talked to in years. Losing loved ones makes me so grateful to know about the Plan of Salvation and that we can see our families again.

On Friday we went to Raleigh for Clara's concert. She sings with the Raleigh Youth Choir. They did a fabulous job. We also celebrated Jacob's birthday.

Clara in the middle in the purple

Saturday morning was the Albertson Fox Hunt. It's been held in Albertson for 80ish years. It's a fundraiser for the Volunteer Fire Department, the Ruitan Club, and the Library. They cooked several pigs and tons of chickens and made a huge pot of fish stew. Linda and Donald went with us... I wish I had taken a picture.

Sandra dishing fish stew

Saturday night Dwight and I spoke in Stake Conference. I stressed about it all week because we were so busy, but that kind of thing always seems to work out as long as you keep praying and put all you can into it, then Heavenly help takes the lead.

After conference. Do we look relieved?

We, I should say Dwight, taught a few French missionary discussions this week. I just nodded a lot and occasionally said something that got translated. We have one brother that has a baptism date, another that says he knows the Book of Mormon is true, and another who is just starting the lessons. And just now we got another Haitian referral. It feels like something big is happening in the Haitian community here.

On the way home from conference today, we noticed wild daffodils had popped up along the side of the road in several places and some trees were blossoming. That kind of thing doesn't happen in Utah in the middle of February.

In my talk on Saturday, I used a talk given by Elder Holland (one of the Twelve Apostles) from April 2018. I love this quote, "...may we labor side by side with the Lord of the vineyard, giving the God and Father of us all a helping hand with His staggering task of answering prayers, providing comfort, drying tears, and strengthening feeble knees. If we will do that, we will be more like the true disciples of Christ we are meant to be." When we care for each other we are working side by side with Jesus Christ to help our Heavenly Father care for His children.

We love you all!
Sister and Elder Potter

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Week 32 - Dwight


Albertson, North Carolina really is the center of the universe!!  In the picture above, taken in Provo Utah while we were in training at the Missionary Training Center (MTC), you may have thought that we were pointing to just North Carolina randomly, or to Raleigh since it's the NC RALEIGH Mission, but in reality, my finger is sitting right on the most amazing of places - ALBERTSON!

We got moved this week into our new home in downtown Albertson, finally!  Elder and Sister Everett from the mission brought a truck and trailer on Thursday afternoon and our young friends from Kinston (missionaries) came and we loaded up and headed to Albertson.  Now, we just have to get everything organized.

Albertson has everything, and we are right in the center of it all and within walking distance!  You have the Albertson Walmart (3-minute walk), Albertson Municipal Library (2-minute walk), R-Mart (Convenience store, hardware store and grill - 3 minute walk),  Albertson Volunteer Fire Department (2.5-minute walk), United States Postal Service (1-minute walk), Community Building (.96 minute walk), Albertson Missionary Baptist Church (4-minute walk) and Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (20-minute walk).  Lastly, Potter Homestead where I grew up (19.75-minute walk).  Ain't it great!  My dad, grandparents, great-grandparents and great great-grandparents lived and are buried 2.5 miles away.  I really am home y'all!

Albertson Walmart

Albertson Community Building

My dad worked here 25+ years

Albertson VFD

Albertson Missionary Baptist Church

World-Class Municipal Water

Our New Home

Albertson Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Bishop Young - Albertson Ward LDS

We ran into Bishop Young while we did our 3 1/2 minute tour of Albertson.  Such a great guy!

We were a bit limited this week because Susan was on and off and on again sick.  Also, we spent most of the week getting ready to move.  On Monday we did get to spend some time with Gregory talking about the blessings of the temple.  On Tuesday night Bishop Young and I went to see Mark to see if he can help the ward get a couple of pigs for a fundraiser for the youth.  Had a great visit.  While we were there, Mark's sister Tammy came in and it was so good to see her!  It's been probably 35+ years.  Was so good to visit.  On Wednesday we had a Zone Conference with 4 different Zones in the Mission and President and Sister Stevens (mission leaders).  Was a great spiritual meeting.

Goldsboro Zone less Sister Potter (sick)

Thursday we moved.  While we were moving in, an old friend, Kemp, I haven't seen in 45+ years, stopped by and said hello.  Wow! Then on Friday I got the chance to go help Denise move a bunch of furniture into her new home in New Bern, along with her son and daughter-in-law.  Spent the rest of the day Friday and Saturday trying to get our new home organized.  Still a bit to do, but it's coming.

Today we went to Mt Olive again.  Our Haitian friends were there, including Evens, Vaguens, Marie-Guetty, Jean-Claude and a new friend Wendy.  Also 3 children came.  We discussed the lesson "The Gospel of Jesus Christ," including the divine mission of Jesus, faith in Christ, baptism, the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end.  Manon, who is originally from French speaking Canada, helped with the lesson.  We really need someone that speaks Creole, but French will do until we find someone that can help.  I always feel the Holy Ghost when we teach these wonderful folks.

It feels really amazing to actually be living here at Albertson and to really be home!  Thanks to the Willie and Jean Rouse family for providing this opportunity to live in their childhood home!  This has been the case since we came on our mission, but even more so now, memories continue to flood my heart and mind.  No matter where I live, this place will always have a special place in my heart.  So glad to be here at this moment!  I think also of our heavenly home.  We left Heavenly Father's presence to come to earth and experience all that life has for us to learn.  I'm sure the feelings I'm having now will be even stronger when we return to that home!  That opportunity comes only because of Jesus Christ.  We love him and we love you all!

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Week 31


This week Dwight had to do several things alone as I was sick for several days. He was able to do some unusual types of service while I stayed at home to rest. We did get to do some visiting and lessons together; and we had a delicious dinner at the Ward's house early in the week. We also went to a pizza place in Mt. Olive (home of Mt. Olive Pickles), and look what was on top of the buffet! :)

Giant Pickle at Pizza Village in Mt. Olive

Here's an example of one of the unusual service activities Dwight did while I was at home "feeling puny" (quote from my dad). One of our friends just had surgery and is having a hard time getting around. He needed mini blinds, so Dwight went shopping for him. Shopping is more in my comfort zone than his, so it was a true act of service... going to different stores and comparing prices, etc. 

All week, every time Dwight left to go do something, I would say, "Take a picture of anything you see that should go in the blog." I have to apologize for the lack of pictures and laugh at the ones he did take:

mini blind shopping :)

Tractor Caution Hwy 70
between Kinston and Goldsboro

I regularly comment about this tractor caution sign. It's on a major highway where I've never seen a tractor. However, there are tractors all over on the back roads with no warning signs. On the way home from District Council meeting, I guess Dwight was missing me, so he slowed down and took a picture. :) He's so thoughtful!

We were able to spend some time with the Faison kids this week. I told them to make a silly face. Everyone say cheese! 

This is going to be our new mailbox in Albertson. There is a story here. You all know we're BYU fans. What are we doing with an ECU mailbox cover? One of Dwight's friends asked him if he had any relatives that went to ECU. Dwight told him he had two sisters in law that graduated from there. His friend said his niece graduated from there. Then he said he had an ECU mailbox cover for Dwight to celebrate our families. So Sheila and Tami this box is for you! 

This is the apartment we are moving out of this week (at least mostly). One arrow is pointing to our front door, the other to our truck (you know the one that travels 4000 miles a month).

Today Dwight went to Mt. Olive Ward by himself. He translated for the Haitian members and investigators. Many members of the class during second hour bore their testimony. Dwight said the Spirit was strong. Since I wasn't there, he had two Haitian brothers (who are returning members) go with him to two different appointments to teach French-speaking investigators. The brothers shared their testimonies and everyone felt the Spirit.

This evening we had a zoom meeting for prospective senior missionaries in the entire mission. About 150 seniors attended. Hopefully, many of them will want to serve and have the kind of wonderful experiences we are having.

I know our Heavenly Father loves us. He wants us to be happy. He wants us to succeed. I love this quote from Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, "Heaven is cheering you on today, tomorrow, and forever." We are never alone. We have our friends. We have our families. Most importantly we have our loving Father in Heaven and Savior Jesus Christ.

We love you all!
Sister and Elder Potter