Sunday, January 21, 2024

Week 29


Week 29 finds us spending a lot of time in our truck (pictured above) like always. We drive an average of 4,000 miles a month. This week we have been to Albertson, Mt. Olive, Goldsboro, and Deep Run multiple times. We've also been to Raleigh, Snow Hill, New Bern, Trenton, Hookerton, and of course, Kinston (and through lots of little towns and crossroads on the way).

Ping Pong after lesson with Claire

We had two friends in the hospital this week, so we were regulars there. We've been going on member visits and met a wonderful new friend on Tuesday. Sister Stroud recently lost her husband. She had lots of stories to share with us. She and her husband served two missions together. I look forward to visiting her again. We taught at least 3 lessons in English this week... the rest were in French. Dwight is doing a great job. My testimony has to be translated, but I can feel the Spirit as we discuss the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Wednesday was District Council. Then later we took the Albertson Hermanas to the temple, so they could be with Martin (a new member) for his first visit to the temple. It was an amazing evening. As you can see, Martin had lots of people travel to Raleigh to support him. 

We got to Raleigh early, so we took the Hermanas to meet Jake, Anna, and their kids and Elayna. It was so much fun, and I cannot believe I didn't take any pictures. Just imagine two sister missionaries with 4 adorable kids... it was crazy with cuteness. 

Alyssa wasn't at Jake's house because she was picking up this kitten as a surprise for Elayna. Here she is the next day reading "Penguin" the cat a story. I can't wait for Elayna to introduce us to her new pet.

At Lovick's Cafe in Kinston

At Morris Barbeque in Hookerton

Dwight, Susan, Elder Clifford, Elder Bates, Jim

We asked the young missionaries in Kinston (one of whom used to be our District leader, Elder Clifford, in Goldsboro) if they could help Dwight give a blessing to one of our friends in the hospital. They were out of town at a meeting. They gave us a name of someone in the area... Jim Walker. Dwight has known him forever, and I have known their family for half of forever. Since then Jim has taken us to lunch twice. Once with the young missionaries from Kinston.

We finally got to meet Lorie Ann's husband, Kim. We look forward to hanging out with them some more. They live in Greenville, but Lorie Ann's dad is in the Woodington Ward. 

Saturday we took the Faison kids to the gym at the church to help Aariyah learn some basics in basketball. She just turned 12 so she gets to play on the young women's team. On Saturday she went from knowing nothing to making almost every shot she took with pretty good form. She probably got sick of hearing Dwight say, "Shot with one hand, do it again." They did lots of drills and promised to practice in their yard.

We always hear that "practice makes perfect." That sentiment applies to so many things. It even applies to something like listening to the Spirit. The more I've listened to the Spirit in my life, the easier it has been to recognize the Spirit. Also the more I've listen, the more the Spirit speaks to me. I may never be "perfect" in listening, but practicing listening to the Spirit helps me to become more like the person my Heavenly Father wants me to become. Aariyah listened to Coach Dwight and got better at basketball. I can think of no better life coach than the Holy Ghost. As we follow promptings we will be doing God's will.  

"And I do this for a wise purpose; for thus it whispereth me, according to the workings of the Spirit of the Lord which is in me. And now, I do not know all things; but the Lord knoweth all things which are to come; wherefore, he worketh in me to do according to his will." Words of Mormon 1:7

We love you all!
Sister and Elder Potter

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