Sunday, January 14, 2024

Week 28 - Dwight

Goldsboro District 1/10/24

 North Carolina gets nearly 50 inches of precipitation on average each year.  Utah, on the other hand, gets only about 12.   Early this week a pretty significant storm passed through the east coast.  Florida had tornados toughing down causing damage.  A tornado watch was issued for Eastern North Carolina.  It was significant enough that all the young missionaries were asked to remain in their apartments all day.  We didn't think it looked that bad so we decided to go visit Lucile in the nursing home in Pink Hill, about 20 miles away.  The rain was heavy, but not terrible.  The wind on the other hand was extremely stiff and was blowing our pickup all over the road.  After the visit we decided to stay inside for the rest of the evening!

The picture above of our district was taken on Wednesday because transfers were this week and we were afraid that several missionaries would be moving.  Transfers are every 6 weeks and on any given transfer, any missionary is subject to change.  Three missionaries were transferred this week, including our fearless district leader.

We continue to work with the Faison family.  We took 4 of them to church Wednesday night and was able to find youth leaders that were able to take them home.  That night we went to Mt Olive to attend ward council for the 1st time.  Was good to finally get over there and start to plan our work with the ward.

Thursday afternoon we headed back to Mt Olive to see Alex.  He's never been able to read, so Susan told him she'd teach him how.  Had a great reading lesson and also taught him the 1st part of the Plan of Salvation lesson.  He's a member of the Church, but would like to remember some of the basic doctrine.  That night we went to see high school basketball, James Kenan vs East Duplin.  Our friends Bernard and Rosanne Jones always go and help since their son Taylor is the coach of James Kenan.  We were surprised to also see an old friend Sandy Howard Whitman (went to prom after my mission as friends) and Jennifer Dixon Edwards.  It was a fun night.  My old team (East Duplin) wasn't able to keep up with the boys from James Kenan.

Coach Jones and parents at work!

Sandy and Friend


This week our friend JR Rouse (Junior) ended up in the hospital with an infection in his foot that required surgery.  After the surgery, his sister Sandra told us he wanted fries and a fish sandwich from McDonalds, since we were on our way to see him.  He hadn't had much of an appetite so it was good to see him hungry!  That day, we had been to see Sue Smith, a dear old friend.  When I was young, I worked with them on their farm every summer barning tobacco.  Her son Lynn was one of my good friends.  She may not realize the positive impact she had on my life with her goodness, kindness and example of a good mom, wife and person.  Way too many memories to mention here, but so many things that I will always remember.

Yesterday we felt like parents again as we took Aariyah Faison to the skating rink so she could spend time with her friends, then came back to get her and take her home.  It was fun!

Today was maybe our busiest day as missionaries.  It was the Woodington Ward Conference, which was great.  Years ago, when we had ward conferences, we'd always have a "spread lunch" with the stated purpose to provide a meal for the leaders that had to travel - and to socialize with them. Basically, it was an outdoor potluck picnic of the most heavenly southern dishes you can imagine.  Today we continued that tradition, only it was indoors.  Obviously, we stuck around for lunch.  After church we taught a lesson to Maeci (12 year old) on The Gospel of Jesus Christ as she continues to prepare for baptism.  She's so delightful!

After lunch, we headed to Mt Olive.  There are many Haitians that have moved into that area.  Most of them don't speak English or Spanish, but do speak Creole and French.  I speak French because of my missionary service as a youth in Belgium and France, so we were asked to talk to several members of the Church as well as several people that are interested in learning more about Jesus Christ and His Church.  We met with 6 different people in 3 different homes and tested my French ability thoroughly, but it was amazing!  And, we'll be going back!  We visited Junior in the hospital, came home for our senior missionary Zoom meeting (President and Sister Stevens spoke to us) and finished our day at about 9:00 pm.

The storms this week reminded me of the council that the prophet Nephi gave his sons about the storms of life that will come.  "...that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation..."  It is our hope and prayer, that all our foundations will be built "upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God."  Have a great week and know that we love you!

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