Sunday, January 7, 2024

Week 27


Caroline's visit came to an end, "vacation" is over, and it's time to get back to work. Actually we did quite a lot of visiting while Caroline was here. She "wanted" to sing for all of our friends. On New Year's Day we visited JD and Angie. JD cried when Caroline sang and Angie clapped and yelled, "She is ready for a contract! I'm going to show her videos to all my friends!" Later that day we went to a movie... Wonka! Afterwards we had a New Year's dinner of Bojangles. For all you Westerners, Bojangles is a fast food chicken place that our kids love (especially their Boberry biscuits). Caroline even bribed Uncle Ryan with a half dozen Boberries to pick her up from the Salt Lake airport on Thursday. Thank you Ryan!!!

Albertson was the highlight of Tuesday. We took Caroline to see the house we are moving into in February. The house is located in the heart of "downtown" Albertson. It's right by the community building which is right by the famous Albertson Post Office where Dwight's dad served as the Post Master for decades.

Our new home in February
Caroline in front of Albertson Post Office

We had a great adventure with Dwight's truck this week. The day after Christmas we got the oil changed. A little over a week later, Dwight noticed oil leaking... like a lot under the truck. The next day we rented a car and took the truck to get checked out. Turns out that when the oil was changed, the cap was not replaced and three quarts of oil leaked out. The fine establishment that changed the oil reimbursed us for the rental car and the auto repair bill. I was quite impressed with their willingness to fix their mistake. I know there is an object lesson in this story about repentance, forgiveness, and love. I'll let you figure it out. :)

Another visit we made this week (actually two visits) was to Sheila, Steve, and Claire. Caroline sang to them. Sheila wanted her to sing again so she could record her. She wanted to send it to her mom. I told her I would send her a link on Youtube instead. During that visit, we discovered that Claire has a guitar that she doesn't know how to play. So I gave her a mini lesson and taught her how to play "Polly Wolly Doodle." Today when we visited Dwight gave her a ping pong lesson. She got a ping pong table for Christmas.

Claire loves her animals.

During a visit to a friend in Mt. Olive, I agreed to teach reading lessons to an adult man whose first language is Spanish. He never learned to read in Spanish or English. He is about my age. Dwight and I are looking forward to this new challenge. Well, I know I am looking forward to it. I love teaching kids to read. I hope it translates to adults.

Today was a good and busy day filled with church and visits. We went to church at the Mt. Olive Ward. It's always so good to see so many people we love! After Sunday School we went to Albertson Ward (more people we love) for the baptism of a super sweet 16-year-old girl, Kara. She bore her testimony after she was baptized and confirmed, and the Spirit was so strong. Her brother and his fiancé (neither members of the Church) commented afterwards that they felt something special. I think everyone felt something very special. 
Three sweet sister missionaries, Kara, and her 
grandparents (that we've known forever).

I miss our kids, grandchildren, home, hometown, and going on cruises :-), but there is nothing I'd rather be doing right now than serving a mission right here. I love feeling the Spirit every day as we share our testimony, listen to people talk about their joys or trials, figure out ways to serve others in interesting ways, interact with young missionaries and members from several wards in our area, and study the Gospel. "We talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins." (2 Nephi 25:26) 

We feel true joy in the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
We love you all!
Love, Sister and Elder Potter

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