Sunday, October 22, 2023

Week 16 - Dwight


President Russel M Nelson, our prophet, stated "In truth, the Savior Himself has made it abundantly clear that while His resurrection assures that every person who ever lived will indeed be resurrected and live forever, much more is required if you want to have the high privilege of exaltation. Salvation is an individual matter, but exaltation is a family matter." 

Y'all, I can't help it.  While we are serving in North Carolina, I am drawn to my roots, to my family. I am drawn to the temple, which focuses on making families eternal.  I am drawn to helping others search out their family history so that they can build those bonds with their families for the eternities.

The picture above was taken this week when we went to the temple with our dear friends, the Faison family, to perform baptisms for their deceased relatives. Aariyah was just baptized herself a few weeks ago!  We all felt a warm spirit and a closeness to family as these sacred ordinances were performed for family members who could not do it for themselves. Here's another picture from the same day with a better view of the temple.

Earlier in the week we had a wonderful temple preparation discussion with Lorie, our friend that's preparing to go to the temple for herself and wants so badly to be sealed to her parents.  We also spent one evening in the home of Betty Jo and James Jones, along with Judy and Mary Lou, all wonderful friends that we were able to study and discuss the New Testament with.

Wednesday was Susan's birthday!  We had district council that day so all the Elders and Sisters were able to join in the celebration with the "Birthday Girl." Happy birthday Sister Potter!

We continued with teaching our star 10-year old Claire. She's getting baptized on November 12th and is pretty excited.  Her great-grandfather is going to perform the baptism and Denise, her grandmother from Pennsylvania is going to play the piano. Other family members are participating as well. We may be more excited than she is! Claire and her family as well as the Faisons were at church today.  Our good friend JD came as well, but fell out of his wheelchair when Angie was taking him home, so we had to go help her get him back in - scary!

Saturday was a  cool day - as in groovy! I met my 1st cousin, twice removed, Durward, Potter, in the great town of Magnolia, North Carolina.  All the time that I've lived in North Carolina, I've never been to my Grandma Potter's grave site.  She's not buried by Granddaddy, who's in the Potter Family Cemetery, but she's buried by her parents in Magnolia.  My oldest uncle, Benagy Potter is also buried there.  Benagy was my grandfather's oldest child and was the son of his 1st wife (not my grandma). It was great to see, for the 1st time, grave stones of people I've heard about all my life, but never knew in person.  It was such a good feeling being there.  Durward and I also visited the site where Granddaddy used to live, where the old church building used to be, where the old church is now located and used as a barn, and the Potter Family Cemetery. 

My cousin, Durward Potter at what's left of the church my grandfather helped build in 1907

My oldest uncle, Benagy Potter

My Great-grandparents - Magnolia, NC

My Grandma, Lillian Bessie Merritt Potter - Magnolia

Sorry these posts often turn to family.  Our family is so important to us and we love them very much, on this side of the veil and those that have passed.  We know you feel the same way about your families.  We are so blessed to know that God's plan is all about eternal families.  We love the Savior Jesus Christ and thank Him for His Atonement that makes it all possible.  Love you all!

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