Sunday, October 1, 2023

Week 13

This week started out with a senior missionary temple trip to Raleigh and then lunch afterwards. The highlight of going to Raleigh is being with family, which is really what the temple is all about. Here are the pictures we took at Jacob's house.

Alyssa, Dwight, Jake, Sully, Anna




Sully forcing a "smile"
During the week, we had a couple of appointments fall through, so we went out looking for people to visit. We ended up stopping at Bishop Young's house in Albertson. His wife, Lynetta, is one of my favorite people. I was her seminary teacher. Now her children are all grown up. Her baby is 14.
Lynetta & Susan
As we drove around this week, I kept singing "I wish I was in the land of cotton, old times there are not forgotten. da da da. da da da. da da da." I don't know the words. But I couldn't help singing that line when I saw this:

The pictures don't do it justice. I think it's really pretty!
Last week Dwight told you about a little store that had been restored in a friend's backyard. I have a few more pictures of that. The outside is so cute, but you walk in and you feel like you have gone back in time. It was truly amazing!

Dwight planned to do a backyard barbeque for 13 apartments of our "closest friends." Actually, we'd only met 2 of them. We picked a date and put invitations on the apartment doors with a request for RSVPs. We didn't hear from anyone, so we put up a reminder a couple of days before the event asking for people to let us know if they could come. Only 1 person said they could come. We had invited the young missionaries that live close to us and thought 4 missionaries and 1 guy might be a little uncomfortable, so we canceled. (We took the 1 guy a treat and apologized.) I guess we need to meet more people before we try that again. Anyway, we promised the missionaries dinner, so we took them to Chick-fil-A. (Elder Vickers is from Cedar City! :)
Elder Allen & Elder Vickers 
Last week after we taught a lesson, I asked Dwight if he had seen a lady in the house we were in that hadn't been introduced to us. He said, "Are you sure you saw her?" I said, "Yes, in the kitchen, in the hall, and in the garage." He said, "Are you sure you didn't see an angel? I started to wonder. This week we went back to that house and were teaching. I didn't see the lady and was really starting to doubt that I had seen her... or maybe I had really seen an angel. Then halfway through the lesson, the same lady from the week before came in, sat down and started asking questions and asked if she could come to next weeks lesson. I think maybe she is an angel! :) Little miracles like that keep happening to us. President Nelson has said, "Seek and expect miracles." That's what we're doing.

What's better than a Super Bowl Party? A General Conference Party!

General Conference was amazing. I can't wait until Wednesday or Thursday when all the talks will be on my phone, and I can start listening to them again. I heard over and over this weekend... "God loves you, Jesus is our Savior." Let me add my testimony to all of those we have heard over the past two days. I know God lives and is our loving Heavenly Father. I know that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world and that because of His Atonement we can find peace, joy, love, and hope of eternal life. 
In Moroni 7:41 it reads, "And what is it that ye shall hope for? Behold I say unto you that ye shall have hope through the atonement of Christ and the power of his resurrection, to be raised unto life eternal, and this because of your faith in him according to the promise."

We love you all!
Sister and Elder Potter

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