Sunday, October 15, 2023

Week 15

 This week, like all of them recently, flew by. We taught lessons, had lessons cancelled and rescheduled, visited friends, did lots of family history, tried to teach a young friend how to serve a volleyball :), took some young missionaries to the temple, went to a funeral, did a little tutoring and crocheting, watched a horrendous BYU game (which I will not elaborate on), and put hundreds of miles on Dwight's truck.

The lessons given were great. Claire gave us permission to make her the "star" of our blog this week. At her lesson, we first reviewed what she learned last week. To show that she didn't need much of a review, she took our magnetic white board and put the pieces of the Plan of Salvation in the correct order. She was quite pleased with herself.

Then she got cozy for this weeks lesson.

After the lesson was over, we went outside to visit her best friend, Thor!

One of the friends we visited this week was Claire's great-grandfather. He is the one that has the amazing old store in his backyard. Dwight feels very comfortable at his house. We got to his house, back door no less (we are really good friends), and Dwight knocked on the door and opened the door, stepped in and called out, "Hello, anyone home." I was relieved when Brother Huggins appeared before Dwight started walking around his house. ;) We had a nice visit with him and his wife.

The volleyball serving lesson happened after a new member lesson for Jay and Aariyah. We met at the church for just that purpose. We always have a lot of fun with those two. I wish I had remembered to take some pictures. They are amazing kids. Tuesday, we plan to take Aariyah, her grandma, and her cousin to the temple to do baptisms. Jay is seriously disappointed that he is not old enough to go.

Yesterday, we visited Dwight's cousin Melissa again, so he could help her with her accounting homework. She says she hates to ask for his help. We've tried to let her know that Dwight loves to teach accounting. Our daughter, Alyssa and her college accounting buddies used to have him help them all the time. While Dwight was helping Melissa, I had a chance to crochet. I'm making blankets for foster kids. (And bonus, my Apple watch gives me steps when I crochet. In an hour and a half, I got 2800 steps. Teehee!)

We had a surprise today! Jake and Anna and their kids came for a visit! The kids and I played outside, and I think we made more noise than I've heard in this complex the whole time we've lived here. I think we wore them out! Ha!

We did lots of family history this week with people we are teaching and other friends. Dwight found out he was third cousins with two of the people we are teaching... super cool. Helping other people find their ancestors, makes us want to come home and explore our own family. I read a lot about my family this week finding stories I'd never heard before about great and great-great grandparents. There is a special spirit associated with getting to know the people that made your life possible. I also looked at a lot of pictures. I've always been told I look like my mom, which I do; but I found a picture of my dad's mom that I can see myself in. This is how I remember my Grandma and Grandpa Richardson:

This is a picture of the same grandparents on their honeymoon in 1920 at the Great Salt Lake. I can totally see myself in this picture of my grandma.

This is a picture of me at the same age as my grandma was in the above picture. Can you see it, or is it just me?
I love getting to know my ancestors and feeling a connection to them. "And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers..." (Malachi 4:6) My heart has turned.

We love sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and serving his children in anyway we are able.

We love you all!

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