Sunday, August 20, 2023

Week 7

 We got all the way through the week without taking a picture of ourselves, so you get a selfie of me and a picture of Dwight taking his shoes off after a long Sunday (which I took from my chair while getting ready to write this message.)

We taught three lessons this week. The first one was a new member lesson. We took dinner to them and had a great discussion. The only problem was that their air conditioner was broken, and it was 86 degrees in their house. They have a HUGE dog that wanted to cuddle with me the whole time which should have made me really hot. However, I had a personal miracle that night. I usually start feeling sick when I get too hot--that night I hardly even noticed the heat until we got outside and realized it felt cooler out doors.

The second visit was with our friends JD and his daughter Lorie. They are amazing people. Lorie is a member but told us we could teach her the lessons--that it would be good for her. And we can use the practice.

The third person we taught was Judy, another new member. We went with the young missionaries and then stayed after they left. We helped Judy with some family history. It was amazing how much work has already been done on one of her lines. 

We also went to lunch with an old friend of Dwight's--from elementary and middle school. It was fun listening to them reminisce and catch up. When his friend asked what the word "Mormon" meant, Dwight was very happy to teach him about the origin of the word and The Book of Mormon.

Today we went to Albertson Ward. Dwight had invited someone to come to church (and he did), so we wanted to be there to meet him. We saw so many old friends. This must be how heaven is going to be... one big reunion and hearts filled with joy to see people we love. There is a mentally challenged young man (who is now probably getting close to 50) that I taught in Primary. I saw him and said, "Hi Matthew." He looked at me like he recognized me and gave me a hug. A little later I asked if he knew who I was. He said, "Primary." I asked if he knew what I was now. He looked at my tag and said, "Missionary." I told him I loved him and he gave me a big hug... Heaven!

I did take a few pictures this week. These will give you a feel for what we see as we drive around our area. The first two are old tobacco barns.

These next pictures are of old abandoned houses. When we pass these houses, I wonder who lived there... how many different families--or was it only one family. What were their struggles? What made them happy? These houses have stories to tell. Dwight has been in at least two of these houses when people lived in them.

Dwight visited the people that lived here.

Dwight's 2nd cousin lived here.

Dwight said this house was abandoned
when he was a boy and looked exactly
like it does now.

This is some of the land Dwight's
great-great granddaddy settled.

I'm grateful for the experiences we are having. I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ and sharing it with the people in North Carolina. I am grateful that when I get a little nervous I know that I have angels there to help me. D&C 84:88 "And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also, for I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up." 

We love you all!
Sister and Elder Potter

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