Wednesday, February 22, 2017


When you hear the word work, what do you think?

Which of the pictures below have anything to do with work?

Aunt Alyssa playing softball
Aunt Caroline on a mission
Sam climbing
 Railing Uncle Joseph made for the cabin
 A game Aunt Anna made 
Before and....
 after of Granddaddy and Nana's playground
 Aunt Caroline singing in a choir at BYU
 Waffles that Uncle KC made
Aunt Caroline and her friends and seminary graduation
 Mikah carrying his Aunt McKenzie's suitcase
 Aunt Anna right after Juniper was born
 Aunt Anna taking Lily for a hike
Clara picking a pumpkin
Granddaddy in his garden

If you said that all the pictures have something to do with work, then you are right. Let's look at the pictures of Aunt Caroline. She's at seminary graduation, serving a mission, and singing in a choir. It takes work to graduate from seminary. You need to attend seminary, participate while you're there, and read your scriptures every day. To be part of the choir, she first had to try out and get in, then she had to practice, practice, practice. And you know that serving a mission is a lot of work. What do you think she would say if you asked her if all the work was worth it?

What about Aunt Alyssa playing softball? That doesn't look like work, does it? Guess how many hours she had to work practicing pitching to be able to play in a game like the one in the picture?

Now what about Clara in the pumpkin patch, Sam climbing at the park, Mikah carrying the suitcase, Granddaddy in his garden, and Lily taking a hike. Are those things really work? In the dictionary, one of the definitions of work is putting forth effort to accomplish something. Clara is trying to accomplish something; helping her family pick the perfect pumpkin. Sam is trying to accomplish something; climb higher than he did the time before. Mikah is trying to accomplish something: help his aunt. Granddaddy is trying to accomplish something; grow vegetables that he can share with his family and friends. Lily is trying to accomplish something; make it to the end of the trail.

Now look at the pictures of the cabin railing, the corn hole game, the playground, and the waffles. These are pictures of things that someone has made through hard work. Uncle Joseph worked for many hours making railings for the cabin before he went on his mission. Aunt Anna worked hard to make Nana and Granddaddy the corn hole game, so we could have fun at our tailgate parties. Granddaddy, Uncle Josh and Aunt Cari worked hard on the playground so all of you could have a nice place to play when you come to visit. (Mikah and I worked on the "dome climber," didn't we, Mikah?) Uncle KC worked to make waffles for a nice surprise for Aunt Alyssa and me.

Then there's the picture of Aunt Anna and Juniper. What does that have to do with work? Being a mom is hard work. I want you to find your mom right now (she's probably reading this to you), and give her a big hug and thank her for all the work she does for you!

The first thing I asked you today was "When you hear the word 'work,' what do you think?" After looking at these pictures do you have any different answers?

Why do you think it's important we work in our families? Is work always fun? How can we have a better attitude about work? Let's say you know you have to pick up your toys before you can go outside to play. You can do it quickly and go outside or you can put it off because you just don't want to pick up your toys. You can whine about it and be unhappy, and make everyone around you feel unhappy; or you can decide to make it fun. You can sing or listen to music while you work. You can see how fast you can do it. You can pretend that if you get it done in five minutes you are the champion of the world. I know that sounds silly, but it's much less silly than whining, right?

What do you think would happen if your dad decided to stop going to work and stop helping around the house and your mom decided to stop working around the house or helping you with your homework or other things? You wouldn't have any money for food, clothes, or a house. If you did have a house it would be a total mess. Are you thankful that your mom and dad know how to work hard? Do you want to learn how to work hard and learn to enjoy it?

Working and accomplishing something can help you feel good inside. Have you ever helped someone and really felt good? Have you ever worked really hard on something and felt really good? Granddaddy would tell you working in the garden is fun! In fact, he would probably tell you most work is fun. I wonder why he would say that. Do you think it makes him feel good inside to accomplish something and to help other people? Can you think of some work that has been fun?

Families need to learn to work together to keep their homes in order. Everyone needs to help. The people that help to do the work will be the happiest! Why do you think working helps us to be happy?

I found these two pictures when I was looking for pictures for the next post about "play." Why do you think I added them? Is Sam really mowing the lawn? No, but he is learning how to work from his dad. Is Sam really fixing the truck? No, but he is watching his dad fix the truck and learning from him. You can all learn a lot from your parents as you help them in and around your homes. Your parents also do kind things for other people. Watch them carefully. See if you can catch them working to do kind things for others. What can you learn from your parents?

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