Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Pray for each other...

I Love to Pray

In the morning when I wake,
Before I work or play,
Always I remember
To kneel and softly pray.

When I go to bed at night,
I love to kneel and say,
“Thank Thee, Heavenly Father,
For blessings of the day.”

(Children’s Songbook, Moiselle Renstrum)

Sam kneeling to pray

Think about when you say your prayers in the morning and before you go to bed at night. What do you talk to Heavenly Father about?

I remember one time when I was about 12 years old. I was with my grandma and grandpa at their cabin in California. While we were there a big fire started several miles down the mountain. I was really scared because my mom and dad and sisters were going to be coming up in a day or two. I was so worried about them getting caught in the fire. Now that I'm older, I know that fire fighters would have closed the road if it was too dangerous for them. My grandparents told me that my family would be alright, but I was still nervous. The only thing I could do to help me feel peace was to pray. Why do you think praying gave me peace?

The prophets since I was a little girl have asked us to pray morning and night individually (that means by yourself) and with our families. The scriptures also tell us to pray always. Why do you think it's important to pray?

Have you ever prayed for someone who was sick or having a problem? How did it make you feel? Did you think more about that person during the day? Did you think of ways you could help them? Did you know sometimes you can be the answer to someone's prayer?

I have found when I pray for another person, I think about them more. When granddaddy is sick and I pray for him, I don't pray for him and stop thinking about him. I think about what I can do to help him feel better. I might help him make a doctor's appointment. I might be really quiet while he takes a nap. I might make sure he takes his medicine. How do you think I might act differently if I didn't pray for him?

I want you to do an experiment. Pick someone in your family to pray for every morning and every night. Don't just say, "Please bless so-and-so." Talk to Heavenly Father about something specific. For example, "I'm thankful for my brother. Sometimes he makes me mad. What can I do when I feel angry with him? I want to show him love instead. Please help me find ways to show him love today." Do that for one week. See if your relationship with that person is better. Keep up the good work, and pray for someone else! :)

How are you going to remember to pray every morning and every night? Maybe you already remember. Maybe your parents remind you. If you need help, maybe you could find a "prayer rock." It doesn't have to be big. You can have your mom help you paint "prayer" or "Did you think to pray?" or something like that on it. Then you put the rock under you pillow every morning after you say your prayers. When you get in bed that night you'll feel the rock and it will remind you to get out of bed and say your prayers. After you say your prayers, put the rock on the floor where you'll see it or step on it to remind you to say your prayers in the morning. 
Here's another family's "prayer rocks."

You could do the same thing with a prayer pillow. Decorate a white pillowcase to remind you to pray. Put it on a cheap pillow. Kneel on it at night. Say your prayers. Leave it on the floor where you'll see it to remind you to pray in the morning. Kneel on it in the morning, and say your prayers. Put it on your bed. It will remind you to say your prayers. Put it on the floor. Kneel on it...continue.
This little girl is decorating her "prayer pillowcase."

How do you think family prayer helps your family? Does it make you feel good when you hear someone thank Heavenly Father for you? Does it help you feel loved when you hear someone ask Heavenly Father to help you with something? Next time you say the family prayer really think about what you are saying. Think about what your family needs. Has anyone done anything special? Is anyone sick? What does your family have to be thankful for?

Heavenly Father loves you. He wants to hear from you. He wants to bless you. Talk to Him as often as you can. You can pray wherever you are, whenever you need Him.  

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