Sunday, May 19, 2024

Week 46 - Dwight

Where do I even start for this week?  What an amazing, happy, sad, busy week!  Our dear friends, the Andersons, from Cedar City, Utah came to spend a few days with us and just wanted us to do what we do so they could see what it's like to be full-time senior missionaries.  Later in the week they were joined by the Tichenors from Mesquite, NV. We lost several missionaries in our district either to going home or transferring.  Woodington finally got 2 young sister missionaries again!! The Lafortunes had their baby.  Our friend Steve had shoulder surgery (he seems to be recovering well.)  Our work with Haitians in 2 missions and 3 areas continued. We had several fun acts of service.  We went to a Down East Wood Ducks baseball game and they won! Alin started his new job and we played the senior-wed game on our Senior Missionary Devotional Zoom call, had dinner with some long-time friends, and . . . I got a professional hair cut for the 1st time in probably 40+ years!

Sister Finch from Woodington went with us to visit Terri, who moved into the area recently.  What a lovely person.  We had a wonderful visit.

We said "goodbye" to Sister Dennis and Sister Jorgenson (on either side of Susan above) for the last time as they departed their missions for home.  Other than us, only one of the missionaries from our district remained after this transfer.

Our service this week included, helping Alin get to work a couple of times, because of weird start times, picking up some donated furniture and delivering to those in need, hauling some missionary furniture between apartments and helping Judy with some electrical needs.

The lessons with our Haitian friends included lessons in Gastonia (Charlotte mission), Goldsboro, and Mt Olive.  There continues to be lots of interest among these wonderful people.

The Andersons arrived Wednesday in Raleigh. We had a superb Thai soup for dinner that Jacob made for us and afterwards headed for Albertson.  The Anderson's just joined right in as our missionary companions, and we've had a blast visiting, teaching and serving!  On the way to Albertson from the airport, of course, we had to stop and get Boberry Biscuits at Bojangles!

With Andersons at Sandpiper

With Andersons at Paul's Place - our favorite hot dogs!

With Andersons at the beach for a quick break

Robert and Dwight getting a much needed break!

At the barber in Pink Hill

Susan has been begging me for a long time to switch barbers (she doesn't think the one I have now is appreciated or paid enough!)  For the 1st time in several decades, I went with Robert to get a haircut and had a great time talking to everyone there about family history and really enjoyed the experience!

At the Wood Ducks game

Friday night, our friend Jim Walker, treated us to a Down East Wood Ducks game in Kinston.  We had a great time, but were sad to learn this would be their last season in Kinston.

Saturday night we were treated to a wonderful southern meal by our long-time friends Mark and Patricia.  Steak and chops, field peas, butter beans, biscuits, cheesy potatoes, corn on the cob, deviled eggs, wings and a delicious/heavenly strawberry shortcake dessert were all on the menu.  It was sooooo good!  Mark showed off some of his handy work in his shop.  It was just a really fun, memorable evening.

This week, with the Andersons visiting, The Tichenors coming by, dinner at the Pates, being with Alin and others as we serve each other, going with the Walkers to a baseball game and all the other interaction we've had with fiends new and old, just reminds us how important good friends are!  Jesus taught that the two great commandments are to love God and to love our neighbor.  We have felt the love and support of these wonderful friends this week and it touches our hearts and makes us feel, not only their love and strength, but Heavenly Father's love as well.  I think He is most pleased when we are loving and serving one another and we have felt this week, maybe more than any other time on our mission, the love and support of wonderful friends that we need and appreciate so very much.  This must be, at least a little bit, what Heaven will be like.  We love you all so very much!

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