Sunday, May 5, 2024

Week 44 - Dwight

Clyde & Melvin Potter (a couple of years ago . . . or so!)

 On April 30th, 1916, 108 years ago this past week, my father Bernice Melvin Potter was born in a small house on what is now named Piney Grove Road.  It was located about 3 miles from Albertson and not too much further to Deep Run, North Carolina.  He and my mom, Clyde, raised us 8 children only about 4 miles from where he was born.  They have left us a lasting legacy of perseverance, determination and faith and I will forever be grateful for them.  We're so thankful to be serving our mission, living in a house 1 mile from my boyhood home and 3 miles from where my dad was born and is now buried.

Visit with Daddy on his birthday

Had strawberry shortcake for Daddy's birthday (his favorite)

Every week that passes seems to fly by.  We're staying busy and loving our time here.  A few of our activities this week included: borrowing hole diggers to move a mail box for Judy, visiting our friend Greg and having a great discussion, visiting our young friend Logan and helping him with his family history.  Last week, my friend JR and I went fishing one afternoon and had a bit of luck!  This week we had a bros' outing at his uncle Bob's house for a fish fry lunch with those fish.  So good!!

We had an amazing visit with Jeff and Linda Tyndall.  Linda grew up at Albertson (Linda Stroud) and I'm sure I'm related to both of them.

Jeff & Linda Tyndall

Thursday I had lunch with my good friend Doug and then we went to visit Alex to have a gospel discussion and reading lesson.  He's been doing so great and we were thrilled that he made it to church today! 

Friday was going to be a p-day (day to catch up on stuff) for us, but we decided to go pick up Alin, who just got baptized last week in Goldsboro.  He speaks little to no English.  We took him to Mt. Olive and helped him apply for several jobs.  That night we went to a Cinco de Mayo celebration and dinner at the Albertson ward building.  It was crowded and it was a lot of fun.  It ended up being a great day with Alin and hopefully he'll have a permanent job soon!

Local youth doing Mexican dances!

Saturday started by going to Kinston to the BBQ Fest.  The Kinston ward had a booth.  We had a blast working with the Kinston elders and the Stainbacks, giving out free bottles of water, talking to people about family history and giving away Book of Mormons.  That night we went to see the Lafortune family to give them English lessons.  It was a bit amusing.  Teachers and students were equally lost, but we had fun with it.  They are our English student guinea pigs.

Today we had 5 Haitian friends at church and 2 more that are members.  During the week I taught Alin's brother Aly over Whatsapp twice.  He lives in Gastonia, which isn't in our mission!  Resources to speak French or Creole are pretty thin in these parts.  It's amazing how much is coming back to me with a little practice and the "gift of tongues."

This has been a great, busy week.  Starting it out by remember my dad was wonderful, yet sad in a way because I still miss him.  It means so much to me to know that departed loved ones are not gone forever and that we'll be together with them again someday.  I know that is true!  Because of the atonement of Jesus Christ, families truly can be together forever and I'm counting on that promise!  Love you all.

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