Sunday, March 17, 2024

Week 37

 I forgot to take any pictures until Friday. Here is a brief rundown of those days. Monday we had at least three visits (the ones I can remember because they were in my calendar). We saw our friends the Huggins again and had a great visit. We took the Faison kids to the church to play basketball. And we visited the Adkins. We know Sister Adkins but had never met her husband. He had lots of stories from serving in the military. I'm very grateful to those who serve our country. 

Tuesday we visited JD and Angie. It was good to see them again. We also visited the Braswells. We knew Kristy a little from when she was a youth in Albertson. It was fun to get to know her husband and grandson. Wednesday Dwight taught 4 Haitian lessons. Thursday we visited Alex. He decided he didn't want to learn to read in English. He wants to learn to read in Spanish. So I'm teaching him. Do I speak Spanish... no, but I did take 5 years of it and listen to my parents speak it all my life. I'm using videos and talking flash cards. It's really fun. Maybe I'll learn to speak and Alex will learn to read. Wednesay we also took a friend for a visit to see the Bishop at the Mt. Olive Ward building, and then we visited the LaFortunes in Warsaw.

Pictures for Monday-Thursday :)

Friday we had a four-zone Zone Conference from 8:45-3:15. It was pretty amazing. Being taught by the young missionaries is inspiring. I love being around all the missionaries and learning from them.

The Johnson's from Delta. Dwight knew them
before our mission.

Sister Benson!!!

Sister Hickens!!!

Our district sisters/hermanas... where's 
Sister Dennis?

Goldsboro Zone plus Mission Leaders Stevens

After Zone Conference we ran over to see the Wards to give Claire a late birthday present. We stayed and visited with them for a while. Claire "made" me walk to the river behind their house. It was down a little hill and quite a ways to walk through wet dirt... very unappealing to me. She looked at me and said, "Pleeeaaase!" I couldn't refuse.

Claire, Izzy, Dwight

Saturday we did some much needed house cleaning, laundry, and grocery shopping. We also went to visit Judy. Last week Dwight hung a bunch of blinds for her. Saturday he hung a curtain rod and a curtain while Judy and I watched a sitcom from 1999. I wasn't totally useless. I was Dwight's gofer when he needed me. Next week we'll put blinds on the last three windows in her house.

Judy and Dwight and his handiwork.

A couple of weeks ago I notice a field of trees had been totally cleared. All that was left was this house. Before the field was cleared, the house couldn't be seen... or at least I never noticed it. I'm always looking for cool old houses, so I'm pretty sure this one had been completely grown over. I don't know why these things fascinate me, but they do.

Something else that fascinates me is the amount of pollen that falls from pine trees. Everything is covered in yellow powder... even other trees. :)

That yellow stuff is pine pollen.

Every car I've seen is covered!

The thing I find most fascinating, however, is how the Gospel of Jesus Christ changes people. Today we had a Haitian investigator at church. In our Sunday School class we had two newly returning Haitian members participating. Dwight was teaching how the Holy Ghost can tell us the truth of all things (at least as far as I could understand as he was speaking French). I felt prompted to ask the returning members to bare their testimonies. I couldn't understand most of what they said, but I could feel the Spirit. The investigator felt something too; enough to make him clap when they were done speaking.

I am so grateful for the Spirit in my life. We've had an untimely death in our extended family. The pain and sorrow of his family is heartbreaking. Gratefully, we know that this life in not the end. We know that we can be with our families forever. We know that we have a loving Father in Heaven and Savior that love us more than we can imagine. They want us to learn from our trials and become stronger. They want us to have true joy. When someone we loves dies unexpectedly and it seems like we can never be happy again, that is when the enabling power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ can literally lift us up. We can become whole again through Christ's Grace. We only have to turn to Him, believe, have hope and pray. 

We love you all!
Sister and Elder Potter

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