Sunday, March 3, 2024

Week 35


This has been one of those weeks that has just flown by. Monday we had a really nice visit with Gregory from Albertson. We always have great gospel conversations and normally seem to learn something off topic together. We also had a fun Zoom call with Josh and his family Monday night. Of course, I forgot to screen shot it; so no cute pictures of Sam and Thomas... they were really cute.

Tuesday was a very busy day. We went to Beaufort (which will be a story for another time) and stopped by Atlantic Beach... both were beautiful. Later that night we had dinner with the Bishop's (from Woodington) family and gave them a mini missionary lesson. They have a remarkable family. When we got there all the kids were in the kitchen helping their mom (so was the Bishop). I thought it looked like everyone was preforming a dance and knew their steps well. Then I looked up on the wall, and there was a sign that said, "We dance in this kitchen!" I thought, "Yes, you do!" We had a really fun time and learned some hidden talents of our bishop.


Atlantic Beach

Later that night we met Sister Jami Finch at Linda Jones' house. Her daughter and son-in-law came, too. We had a great visit and got to know all of them a little better. They are wonderful people with big hearts!

Wednesday we had District Council... always a favorite way to spend a morning. Our afternoon appointments fell through, so we did a little P-day work like shopping and laundry. It's a little harder to plan our shopping now that we live in the country. Speaking of the country, and weather :) I found a picture on Facebook of our backyard nine years ago on February 28... snow 3/4 way up our block wall. In NC this year on February 28 it was 74 degrees. I took some pictures today just outside our house, and there is so much evidence of springtime! To tell you the truth, I really miss the snow and wouldn't mind just one good storm. But the Spring in NC is beautiful!

Cedar City, UT 2.28.15

Albertson, NC 3.3.24

Albertson, NC 3.3.24

On Thursday Dwight and I went to the dermatologist for our yearly checkup. Our doctor wasn't too far from Raleigh, so we went to Jake's house. Dwight cooked dinner for Jake and Alyssa and their families. I taught Clara how to single crochet, (I'd taught her how to chain stitch on a previous visit.) and she took to it like a pro. Alyssa, aka Cinderella, did the dishes. ;) Later that night Jake and his family all went to the women's NC State game--hence the all the State shirts.

Clara rocking the single crochet!

Pop Pop and Elayna playing with slime

Anna and Jake

Sully and Daniel

Alyssa slaving away

Jake and Von

Friday our truck had to have it's brakes fixed, so all the the plans we had got cancelled, but we did get to go to dinner with Linda and Donald. Of course, I forgot to take a picture. We went to a place called the Laughing Owl. The name made me smile. The food did, too!

Saturday we visited Judy in Pink Hill at her new house. (Judy is the new member that was baptized in Albertson the first week we got here.) Next week we're going to help her get blinds and Dwight is going to help her put them up. We're so happy for her that she's going to be back in her own home. She had some flood damage, so her insurance replaced her home, but it seems like it has taken forever. I'm sure it has seemed longer to her.

Saturday we also had a lesson with two of our Haitian friends, Wendy (a non-member) and Evens (a member). They are awesome. They came to church today in Mt. Olive. Dwight went with the Mt. Olive missionaries on Wednesday and taught three lessons to some other Haitian friends. Today we taught a lesson to our Haitian friend, Wilgerson "Sonny," and Dwight and the young missionaries taught four more lessons while I was at a zoom meeting. Dwight is the only one that speaks French, so he stays very busy in the Haitian community. We have met some lovely people that have a real desire to learn.

Once in a while our district will send out a message to send a "BeReal" to our Messenger group. This was the last one we sent. It looks like we just woke up from a very long nap. :)

I love serving a mission with my wonderful companion. Most senior missionaries don't have grandchildren near by and get to serve in places they have lived in before and with people they already love.  We truly feel blessed in so many ways. Our Heavenly Father knows each of us personally and knows exactly what trials and what blessings we need to help us become what He wants us to become.

We love you all!
Love, Sister and Elder Potter

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