Sunday, December 17, 2023

Week 24 - Dwight

What an amazing week!  Of course, way too many Christmas parties and dinners.  On Monday afternoon, for p-day, I took 2 of my old buddies, Junior Rouse and Gregory Harper pier fishing at the beach.  We caught a lot of fish, just not many fish legal to keep.  I did catch a nice 19 inch black drum.  We were all sore and worn out by the end of the day.  The next morning Gregory said he had to learn to walk again because he was so sore!

On Tuesday, we visited a house in Albertson that's for rent by our friends.  We're trying to figure out if we can move over there.  That would be amazing, since that is my "home town".  More to come on that.  We also ran to see our friends the Huggins and left a Christmas message from the Book of Mormon. Later that night we began our new efforts to visit members of our ward.  We, along with Sister Finch (Relief Society President) visited John and Kristie Grady and got to know them much better.  There's nothing like visiting someone in their home to really get to know them!

Dwight, Clifton & Betty Huggins

Wednesday, after district council meeting, we headed to Mt. Olive.  We spent about an hour with Alex.  Alex lost his wife a few months ago after taking care of her 24/7 for years and he has really struggled with the loss.  Our friend Doug and I gave him a blessing and we loaded the Gospel Library App onto his phone.  He promised to listen to conference talks, the scriptures and sacred music to help him get through these hard times.  He wants to get to the temple and have his wife sealed to him.  We're praying for him.  That night we ended up at a favorite spot - Eagles Nest - the Church campground near by.  The Mt. Olive ward had their ward Christmas party there and we ate way too much (at least I did.)  Saw a lot of people we love.  Then we headed with the young missionaries to teach Rose and her husband, a very nice family.  Talked about Heavenly Father's Plan of Salvation.  It was great! 

Dwight & Alex

Thursday morning I met the young missionaries in Goldsboro to work on 2 houses being built by Habitat for Humanity.  We did a lot of painting into the afternoon.  Then we went to see Denise and Claire.  Denise has been feeling like she's alone and we wanted her to know that she is not.  We saw a beautiful crescent moon on the way home.

"Professional" painter?

Goldsboro Zone - Habitat for Humanity

Friday we were invited to a "pig picking" by Murphy Williams at Albertson, along with others of his friends, including the Rouses that we've been spending some time with.  It was a cool night and they had a barrel with a good, warm fire - that was making coals to cook the pig.  He cooked a whole pig and it was amazing! He asked me to say the blessing, which I did.  I tried not to be too long winded since everyone was hungry, including me!

Saturday night we took the Faison kids to the Albertson/Woodington wards Christmas Party at Albertson.  Y'all, I'm starting to get way too fat eating all this southern Christmas food, but I just can't resist pecan pie!
Jay asking Santa for a basketball

Today, we finally got to teach Maeci, a 12 year old young woman who is so ready to join the Church of Jesus Christ by being baptized.  She was amazing, asked several good questions and cried as she felt the spirit of the Holy Ghost.  We're just praying that her mom will give her permission to do so.  Tonight, one last Christmas dinner with the Wiggins Family in Mt Olive.  Lathan and Pauline Wiggins were wonderful friends with my parents for many years.  Tonight we had dinner with several of their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.  Lots of memories!

Today in church, Sister Welch gave a talk on the Light of Christ and how she sees it in her everyday life.  It made me realize that we can see and feel His influence every day, in small ways, like a smile from a stranger, the smell of grandma's baking bread, the beautiful sunset, the smell of evergreen trees, the sound of children's laughter and in so many other ways.  I'm going to try and pay more attention.  We love Him and are so thankful for His light and His love for us.  Love to you all!

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