Sunday, December 10, 2023

Week 23


This week started out with P-day cleaning, laundry, and organizing. Then we put up a few Christmas decorations... very few. Our tree is as tall as the star on our tree at home, but it still reminds me to feel the Christmas spirit in our little home. Anna (our daughter) sent a wooden cardinal ornament with some presents. We hung the cardinal on the tree, and the tree needed a little help standing up. If you look closely at the tree, you can also see two special "ornaments." Claire made two bracelets for me. One is red and white and the other is green, so they are hanging on the tree!

Tuesday we went to lunch with Linda, Donald, & Cari (Dwight's sister, her husband, and their daughter) and Linda's friend since elementary school, Nadine. We had a great time, and of course, Elder Potter helped Nadine put the FamilySearchTree App on her phone. She was amazed at the generations of her family that she could see on the app. She said we could come visit her and her son sometime soon and help him get the same information on his phone. We haven't met anyone yet that hasn't wanted to learn more about their family. It's something the whole world has in common!

Us, Nadine, Linda, Donald
Wednesday was zone council, which is always fun because we're with the young missionaries for half the day. The young Elders and Sisters do a fabulous job teaching and training and encouraging everyone to share testimonies of Jesus Christ that uplift us all. That night we went to dinner with amazing friends and family. Some of you will recognize these wonderful people. We shared things of the Spirit, things of the heart, and lots of laughs. 

On the way out, I noticed this sign. If you can't see it in the picture, it says: "Courage is being scared to death--but saddling up anyway. --John Wayne" I thought about that a lot and how I can use it as a missionary. There are a lot of things that scare me, but I've got to saddle up (put on my name badge and go out and serve). I hope as you're reading this you're thinking of a way you can "saddle up" and have more courage.

Since Linda and Donald are here, they wanted to go visit Kevin and Tami (Dwight's brother and his wife) at their beach house. Linda and Donald flew here and don't have a car, so we "unselfishly" volunteered to take them. Missionaries are supposed to have service hours, right? I'm not sure if that counts, but senior missionaries can take time out to see family. We had a great visit--ate good food, played games, walked to the beach, and visited. Kevin and Tami are the best hosts!

Trying to duck out of the sun in Duck, NC. :)
I took this at sunset.
I took the next picture out the window while we were driving home. It reminded me of a lot of things. First it reminds me of how beautiful God's creations are. Sometimes during our busy day, we forget to stop and look around us and just appreciate all we have. Another thing I thought about was the sun shining in the darkness and the beautiful colors it makes. When we have trials and we allow the "Son" to shine on us in our darkness, our world can become more beautiful that we can imagine. Only in and through Jesus Christ can we become the person God knows we can become.

Today we went to Albertson for the baptism of Martin. He is such a good guy--he glows! I wish you could see the glow in the picture. During the baptism service he bore his testimony in Spanish. I only understood a word here and there, but I understood the spirit and power with which he spoke. There is no doubt that Martin loves Jesus and His Gospel and has a testimony that it has been restored to the earth.
Hermanas and Martin

The sunset picture and thoughts of Martin and his baptism had the song "Our Savior's Love" going through my mind. The words of the song are my testimony this week.

  1. 1. Our Savior’s love

    Shines like the sun with perfect light,

    As from above

    It breaks thru clouds of strife.

    Lighting our way,

    It leads us back into his sight,

    Where we may stay

    To share eternal life.

  2. 2. The Spirit, voice

    Of goodness, whispers to our hearts

    A better choice

    Than evil’s anguished cries.

    Loud may the sound

    Of hope ring till all doubt departs,

    And we are bound

    To him by loving ties.

  3. 3. Our Father, God

    Of all creation, hear us pray

    In rev’rence, awed

    By thy Son’s sacrifice.

    Praises we sing.

    We love thy law; we will obey.

    Our heav’nly King,

    In thee our hearts rejoice.

Text: Edward L. Hart, 1916–2008. © 1977 IRI

Music: Crawford Gates, 1921–2018. © 1977 IRI

We are grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who answers our prayers and for His Son, Jesus Christ and His Atonement. We love them!

We love you!

Sister and Elder Potter

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