Sunday, November 26, 2023

Week 21

Have you ever had a week that just flew by, but at the same time it seemed like an event that happened early in the week happened a month ago. That's how this week was for me. Monday we gave Claire her first "new member discussion." We gave her our magnetic white board and let her teach us the Plan of Salvation. She did a great job. After the lesson, Sister Sheila Ward (Claire's grandma) fed us a feast!

Claire's attempt at a selfie. Isn't she cute?

Sheila took this one.

Later in the week we visited and taught. One visit was with a friend in Albertson. It's always fun to go to Albertson. He had a couple of grandchildren drop by while we were there that added to the fun. 

I completed a goal on time this week. I wanted to finish all the Christmas presents for our kids and grandkids that live in Utah and get them mailed before Thanksgiving. On Wednesday we mailed them out. The picture is the wrapped up presents. After Christmas, I'll post a picture of what I made for everyone.

We had a call from the Mission President this week. He asked us to officially expand our work into the Mt. Olive Ward. Currently we are officially serving in the Woodington Ward and occasionally visit people in other wards in the stake. Now we will be officially serving in Mt. Olive, too. I'm not sure how that will work exactly, but we're excited about the new assignment.

For Thanksgiving we had a unique experience. I've always wanted to eat out for Thanksgiving... no cooking--no cleaning. This was the year. We went to Golden Corral in Greenville. It was pretty good... not as good as home cooking, but it was good. Next year? Cracker Barrell :)

We forgot to take a picture. You can't tell
that's photo shopped, can you?

On Friday, we had a Potter Family Thanksgiving. The food was amazing and the entertainment was priceless! There was a whipped cream eating contest that started years ago when my brothers brought a lot of extra whipped cream to our house for Thanksgiving. No one came close to Paul's (my brother) record.

The kids desperately wanted to have a "pie in the face" party, and their mom said they could as long as they did it outside and took a shower afterwards. That's my kind of mom! They had so much fun!

When it was time for Dwight and me to go home Von and Sully grabbed my legs and started chanting, "Don't go! Don't go!" I got a pretty good work out sliding the cuties along the wood floor.

Sully is master of the "sad eyes" face.

In our spare time this week, we travelled around London, Paris, and Brussels--virtually. Caroline has been there with a friend for the past 9 days or so. She has FaceTimed us to let us experience some of her travels with her. She took us to Buckingham Palace; and here we are at the Eiffel Tower in the morning and at night.

As we begin the Christmas season, I keep hearing in my head the quote from Russell M. Nelson, "My dear brothers and sisters, the joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives. When the focus of our lives is on God's plan of salvation, and Jesus Christ and His gospel, we can feel joy regardless of what is happening--or not happening--in our lives. Joy comes from and because of Him. He is the source of all joy." (October 2016)

We truly are grateful for the joy we feel as we teach of, learn of, and try to be more like Jesus Christ.

We love you all!
Sister and Elder Potter

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