Sunday, November 12, 2023

Week 19 - I've learned that Halloween candy is good for you... ;)


Almost two weeks ago on Halloween, the "Good Witch", aka Sister Potter, didn't eat ANY Halloween candy. I was going to be good. And Sam's Club didn't have the big bag of chocolate with Almond Joy that I usually get at home at Costco and pick out most of the Almond Joy before the trick-or-treaters come knocking... but I digress.  Anyway, fast forward a week, I get sick! Therefore, Halloween candy prevents sickness! I should have indulged and avoided days of pain. (If any of my grandkids are reading this, I hope you understand that I'm joking!)

It is true, however, that on Sunday I started to feel yucky. On Tuesday I got an antibiotic, and by Thursday I was doing much better. I lost my voice and was tired but I felt much better. The side effect of being sick is that my brain went on vacation, and I forgot to take pictures of most of our adventures.

One of our lessons was at JD's house.

Tuesday was awesome... I got a COVID test to make sure I was safe to be around people. That's always fun. Thursday we taught two lessons and had dinner with our good friends the Whaley's. We had so much fun catching up... and Jean made Olive Garden soup and salad better than Olive Garden and made a lemon cake that I want for my birthday next year. It was all amazing. 

David and Jean Whaley and us
(stolen from last week's blog)
Friday my brother, Ryan, came for a visit. Jake and his family, Alyssa, Elayna, and us all met at Pizza Inn in Selma. I cannot believe I didn't take a picture. We had a great time. The little kids love great-uncle Ryan. He kept handing out dollar bills so they could get quarters for the machines. 

On Friday night we went to Mark and Patricia Pate's house. Mark was Dwight's best friend in high school. They fed us an amazing Southern meal with some of my favorites... butter beans, potato salad, green beans with bacon, deviled eggs, and biscuits, and of course, pork chops! We are getting spoiled. As a bonus, Mark told us some great stories.

In between all this fun, we are doing lots of missionary work. Actually most of our fun is missionary work. It seems like everywhere we go we talk to people about family history. If you haven't downloaded the FamilySearch Tree App, you should. There are so many fun things to do on that app. When we help people download it, after about two minutes, they pretty much stop listening to us because they are lost in discovering so much information about themselves and their family.

Today was a very special day. Our sweet friend, Claire, was baptized. She invited her best friend and lots of family. Here are some pictures.

Claire and her family. She was baptized
by her great-grandfather!

Us with Claire and her best friend from school

Claire and her Grandma, Denise
(We are also teaching Denise.)
When we first got here we found my name as a street name. Last week we found Dwight's. I've taken pictures of four street signs since we've been here and they tell a little story: Dwight (Elder Potter) and Susan (Sister Potter) are missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Some people call it the "Mormon Church." They are trying to help people get off the Sandy Foundation and build their houses upon the rock.

Jesus said, "Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and floods came, and winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock." (Matthew 7:24-25)

It is not true that if you eat Halloween candy it will protect you from getting sick, but it is ABSOLUTELY true that if you listen to and follow Jesus Christ, you will be prepared for whatever comes. If you get sick, lose a job, or whatever other trial, you will be able to withstand it.

Paul said, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." (Philippians 4:13)

We know these things to be true! 

We love you all!

Sister and Elder Potter

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