Sunday, March 5, 2017

What is a Nurturer?

What is a nurturer? Let's talk about something to help you understand.

Some of you have dogs as pets. Do you help take care of your dogs? What do they need? Even if you don't have a dog you can answer that question. :) You need to give them food and water every day. They need to be let out often to go potty. They need to go on walks. They need to be played with. They need to be trained to be obedient. They need to be loved and petted.

Clara's family and Todd

Sam with Tucker and Mia

Lily with her new puppy, Archer.

Lily has a new puppy. New puppies need even more attention. They need to be taught how to go potty outside. Sometimes they have accidents in the house that need to be cleaned up. They need to be taught not to chew on furniture and shoes. (Lily's dog likes both!) They need to be taught to sit and behave and not jump on company. They can also be taught to do lots of fun tricks. They are a lot of work. If they are so much work, why do so many people have dogs? Do you think it could be because people love their dogs and their dogs show love to them? When you take care of someone or something, you end up loving them.

When you take care of a pet and lovingly teach him to be obedient you are nurturing him. Now you can answer the first question I asked, "What is a nurturer?"

If you just answered that question, you probably just described your mother! Your mom feeds you, teaches you, encourages you, helps you, and cleans up after you. As you get older, you can do more and more things on your own, but there is one thing your mom will always do for you...LOVE YOU!

Heavenly Father has given you a mother because He loves you. He has given your mother a sacred responsibility to nurture you. In 1995, President Gordon B. Hinckley read "The Family: A Proclamation to the World" in General Women's Conference. Part of it says, "By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners."

You all have awesome mothers. They love you very much. Ask them what it means to them to nurture their children.

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